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March 25, 2009 Recreation Commission Minutes
Newton Recreation Commission
March 25, 2009

1. Call to order:
Chairman Rick Bailey called the meeting to order at 7:14 pm with the following members present: Nancy Slombo and Deb Holden. Minutes were recorded and transcribed by secretary/alternate, Lisa Babcock.

Bailey appointed Alternate Lisa Babcock to stand in for the evening.

2. Greenie Park Grounds Maintenance Contract:
David Marden of David W. Marden Landscape Maintenance was in attendance to discuss the Grounds Maintenance contract for Greenie Park.  Mr. Marden noted that some of the specifications listed on the Maintenance Specifications sheet pertain to the mid west and northwest part of the country.  He said that given the different soil conditions, some of the specifications such as cut height may not be suitable for this area. He said that it would take time and funding to get the fields looking the way NBSA wants them to.  He said that after working on the fields for a season he would have a better idea of the conditions.  

Mr. Marden suggested treating weedy areas with a pre- and post-emergent rather than weed whacking.

Bailey said that in working on the fields Mr. Marden would answer only to Recreation.  He can work directly with NBSA to coordinate work schedules and for basic, routine communications. In the event there are any problems or concerns, both Mr. Marden and NBSA should communicate those directly to the Recreation Commission.

The Commission reviewed the scope of work with Mr. Marden.  
        30 cuts (soil conditions will dictate cut height) @ $195 ea.
        Irrigation – spring start up and fall shut off @ $185 ea.
                Any repairs to the irrigation system would have to be paid for by NBSA
        Spring Fertilization @ $275
        Late summer slow release fertilizer @ $240
        Fall fertilizer @ $275
        Summer grub control @ 375
The total will be $7,930.

Slombo noted that the section along the fire lane and the area near the skate park need to be cut about every other week.  Also, the hill needs to be cut in the fall.  Mr. Marden said the bids were for the fields only but he does have the equipment to cut the hill.

The Commission reviewed the mowing schedule.  Mr. Marden recommended a cut around Memorial Day. He also noted that an early April mowing might not be possible if there is still snow on the ground.  Mr. Marden said there should be a representative from Newton Recreation at the park when he does the first cut.

Mr. Marden said he has an insurance certificate on file with the Board of Selectmen's office. Bailey said he would get contact information for the NBSA liaison, Rich Thompson.

Mr. Marden recommended a pre/post emergent along the fence line and dugouts at $225 each. The Commission said it was not in the budget, but if NBSA wanted to have it done and pay for it they could.

Bailey said he would type up a contract and send it to Mr. Marden.  He said it would need to be approved by the Board of Selectmen. Also, an insurance certificate is needed for any subcontractor, for example whoever Mr. Marden uses to do the pre/post emergent treatment.

Bailey also asked Mr. Marden about mowing at the Town Beach.  There is a grassy area of approximately 20,000 sf. This area only needs to be mowed once per month.  Mr. Marden estimated the cost at 6 mowings for $45 each for a total of $270.

Bailey said the Commission wanted to plant a tree in memory of Dolly Green at the park. He asked Mr. Marden for a recommendation.  Mr. Marden recommended planting a group of 3 trees but said they should be planted after a pavilion is built.

Mr. Marden asked if any soil tests have been done at Greenie Park.  He said the cost is about $12-$15 per test.

Mr. Marden gave a contact phone number.  He said to always use that number unless there is an emergency. Bailey noted that he would need keys to the shed at Greenie.  Mr. Marden departed at this time.

Bob Morton of NBSA arrived at 8:15 pm.

Bailey asked the secretary to type up the cost component of the contract and e-mail it to him.

Bailey explained to Mr. Morton that it is ok to discuss scheduling with Mr. Marden, but if there are any issues or problems to contact Recreation directly.  He said that Mr. Marden will contact the NBSA liaison to let them know when he would be cutting and fertilizing, etc.

Bailey gave Mr. Morton a copy of the approved field use request form.

Bailey moved to recommend to the Board of Selectmen to award the Greenie Park Grounds Maintenance contract to David W. Marden Landscaping Maintenance with a value of $7,930 of which $270 will be paid out of Town Beach Maintenance. Second by Slombo.  

Discussion: Once Mr. Marden has started working on the field and has a better sense of the conditions, the contract may need to be amended. Bailey asked that all bids be attached to the memo to the Board of Selectmen.
Motion carried unanimously.

Bailey asked that NBSA not use any chemicals such as pesticides or weed killers on the fields.  Mr. Morton said they would not do that since it is not private property.

3. Greenie Park Public Meeting:

Bailey moved to hold a public meeting to discuss Greenie Park on April 23 from 7:00 – 9:00 pm in the main hall. Second by Holden. Motion carried unanimously.

Bailey asked that the information be put on the town website and sign and discussed in the newsletter.

Bailey said they would review the improvements already done and find out what improvements the public would like to see.

4. Chemical toilets – Greenie Park & Town Beach:

Secretary will get bids from both Pete's and Triangle for 2 handicapped units.  Also include 1 regular unit to be billed separately to NBSA.

The commission will continue discussion at the April 8th meeting.

5. April Vacation:
Holden said she is still trying to set up a movie night at either Cinema 95 or Cinemagic.  
She said another idea is Coco Keys Water Park.  The cost would be $20 per person and Recreation would have to guarantee 15 people.

Discussion will continue on April 8th.

6. Other Business:
  • Logo Contest – Holden is working with the SRHS art teacher to get student submissions.
  • Bailey will send info to the Carriage Towne calling for volunteers to form a parade committee.  He said the Commission cannot do the parade without a committee.
  • Bailey will send info to the Carriage Towne to notice the public meeting for Greenie Park.
7. Adjourn:
Bailey called the meeting adjourned at 9:27 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lisa Babcock, Secretary
Newton Recreation Commission