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March 11, 2009 Recreation Commission Minutes


March 11, 2009

1. Call to Order:
Chairman Rick Bailey called the meeting to order at 7:48 pm with the following members present: Chairman Rick Bailey, Treasurer Nancy Slombo, Bob Donovan, BOS ex officio, and Alternate/Secretary Lisa Babcock.  Minutes were transcribed and typed by Lisa Babcock.

Bailey appointed Babcock to stand in for the evening.

2. Greenie Park Field Maintenance Bids:  Bailey said he has tried to contract Dave Marden Landscaping but has not been in touch with the contractor yet. Bailey suggested inviting Mr. Marden to the next meeting to finalize the details of the contract.

Bailey moved to award the Greenie Park Field Maintenance contract to David W. Landscaping pending final negotiations and definition of the statement of work. Second by Donovan.

Discussion: Bailey asked the secretary to send a letter to Mr. Marden inviting him to attend the next meeting and to include Bailey’s contact information. Bailey will also call him again.

Slombo stated that if NBSA has any problems with the field maintenance, they must contact the Recreation Commission, not the contractor.

Motion to award the contract carried unanimously.

Member Deb Holden arrived at 8:00 pm and Alternate Babcock stepped down.

3. Public meeting to discuss Greenie Park improvements:

Bailey moved to schedule a public meeting to discuss Greenie Park on a date to be determined.  Second by Donovan. Motion carried unanimously.

Bailey asked the secretary to e-mail him the available dates for the hall beginning in April.  All members present said they would like to attend.

NBSA will also be informed of the public meeting date.

Bailey said they will begin with a brainstorming session, then discuss and prioritize the proposals.

4. NBSA:
Bob Morton of NBSA arrived at 8:05 pm.  He stated that some families are having difficulty paying the sign-up fees.  He said that NBSA does not want to turn any children away and asked if the Commission could help pay the fees for some needy children.  Bailey said to submit a proposal for consideration.

Mr. Morton distributed a revised baseball schedule, a proposed mowing schedule, a completed permit application and a certificate of insurance.

Mr. Morton stated that NBSA would like to have a permanent NBSA member on the Recreation Commission.  Bailey said new members are welcome, but the person must understand that as a member he or she would be asked to participate as a full member, not simply as a liaison for NBSA.

Mr. Morton stated that in the past, Gary Nelson, who had run the Babe Ruth program, had asked the Commission for financial support for the program.  Bailey confirmed that the Commission had given Babe Ruth money for equipment but had also requested that Babe Ruth do some volunteer work in return. (Cleanup at the town beach or Greenie Park, etc.)

Bailey asked Mr. Morton to prepare a proposal for support.  He noted that funds could not be guaranteed but the Commission can review the budget.

Bailey moved to accept the schedule from NBSA for the use of Greenie Park with the condition that if another group requests the use of the fields, NBSA may be asked to modify its schedule.  Second by Donovan. Motion carried unanimously.

Bailey moved to recommend to the Board of Selectmen that they accept the permit application for NBSA’s use of Greenie Park with the condition that if another group requests the use of the fields, NBSA may be asked to modify its schedule.  Second by Slombo. Motion carried unanimously.

5. April Vacation Week activity: Holden suggested a movie night.  She stated that the DAD group has already scheduled several Skateland events for March. Holden will contact the movie theater.  Plans will be finalized at the next meeting.

6. E-mail list: Babcock asked if she could send a note to the schools to put an item in the newsletters requesting e-mail addresses.  Holden thought a sign-up sheet would be more effective.

Donovan said the town has a similar e-mail sign-up and suggested using that. Bailey said Recreation should have its own list, but that the town list could be used as well.  Babcock will discuss the town’s list with the web master, find out if sign-up can be done through the web, and then send something to the schools for the newsletters.  If there is little response, the Commission can try using a sign-up form.

Bailey said to be sure to include a note on all correspondence stating how to sign-up for the e-mail list.

7. Spring Newsletter: Holden suggested that the Commission work on a spring newsletter.  Bailey said it should contain an article seeking volunteers for certain events.  The Commission will need volunteers for the Memorial Day Parade.

8. Memorial Day Parade: The Commission briefly discussed the Memorial Day Parade.  Bailey said there has been difficulty in the past getting the veterans to commit to the afternoon parade. Slombo suggested having the parade in the morning – before the Kingston parade.  Holden suggested having a breakfast for the veterans.

9. Logo Contest: Holden contacted a teacher at the high school to see if students would be interested in submitting designs for the logo.  She said the art teacher was interested in the project and said students are already talking about it. She said a prize will be awarded to the winner.

Holden moved to sponsor the logo contest and open it up to students at the high school and to allow the art teacher to set the deadline.  Second by Bailey. Motion carried unanimously.

Holden will ask the art teacher if he can provide some appropriate guidelines for the design entries.  She will also give him a list of things Recreation does in order to give the students some ideas for their designs.  The designs must contain the words “Newton Recreation Commission”.

10. Snow tubing: The February vacation snow tubing event was a success.  Just over 30 children and several adults attended.

Bailey moved to pay $510 to the Recreation credit card for the snow tubing event at Amesbury Sports park.  Second by Holden. Motion carried unanimously.  

11. Other business:
  • Motion by Donovan to change the start time of the Recreation Commission meetings from 7:30 pm to 7:00 pm on a trial basis beginning March 25. Second by Slombo. Motion carried unanimously.
Babcock will look into have the web site changed.

  • Purchase small table: Babcock and Holden suggested purchasing a small, portable fold-up table for Recreation use.  Bailey said it was a good idea and to get some prices.
  • Easter Egg Hunt: The Easter Egg Hunt is scheduled for April 3rd.
Slombo moved to pay up to $225 to the Girl Scouts for the Easter Egg thing. Second by Donovan. Motion carried unanimously.

d.      Items for next agenda:
  • Discussion regarding 2009 lifeguards. Bailey said he has spoken to Chief Streeter about having a drill at the town beach.
  • Also, a letter should be sent to lifeguards to see if they want to work this summer.
12. Adjourn:  
Bailey called the meeting adjourned at 9:40 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lisa Babcock, Secretary
Newton Recreation Commission