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July 25, 2007 Recreation Commission Minutes
Newton Recreation Commission

July 25, 2007
Newton Town Hall        
7:30 pm


Call to order
Chairman Rick Bailey called the meeting to order at 7:55 PM with the following Commission members in attendance: Rick Bailey, Chairman; Vice Chairman Theresa Gridley, and members Deb Stewart and Gary Nelson. Minutes were recorded by secretary, Lisa Babcock.

PlaceTypeplaceTown PlaceTypeBeach Update
Mr. Bailey informed the Commission that the town beach had been closed by the state. Swim Director, Jon Holden and the town health officer had been notified. Life guards will remain on duty to inform people of the beach closing.

The Commission then reviewed some swim contracts.  Motion by Ms. Stewart to
promote Alex Hodgman from swim aid to life guard and approve contract for a period of 9 weeks beginning 6/25/07 at $9.16/hour. Second by Bailey. Passed unanimously.

Motion by Stewart, with second by Bailey, to approve the following swim contracts:
        Joseph Burleigh, life guard, 9 weeks beginning 6/25/07 at  $9.16/hr
        Andrew Nelson, swim aid, 7 weeks beginning 6/25/07 at  $7.54/hr
Passed unanimously with Nelson abstaining.

Bailey said that town bookkeeper, Kim Hughes, notified him that some life guards had worked overtime. Bailey informed Mr. Holden that beach employees should not work overtime unless there was an emergency situation.

Stewart said that on Saturday she was notified that a life guard was on the beach alone, he was advised to leave.  Bailey said that at least 2 employees must be present at the beach at all times.

Bailey said that the beach employees had not been paid and he heard several possible reasons for this including: some individuals’ paperwork was filled out incorrectly and time sheets were handed in late. Bailey said that all beach employees would be paid promptly.

Fall Road Race
Deb Holden was in attendance to discuss the road race which will be held in conjunction with the Family Fair on September 22.  Ms. Holden said that her husband’s company was willing to donate timing services for the race as long as the date does not conflict with the company’s schedule.

Ms. Holden said that she needed a letter on town letterhead to be able to solicit donations from area businesses.  Donations for water and refreshments are needed.

The length of the race and the start time were discussed.  The race will begin at 9:00 am and be a 5K race. The course still has to be determined. Ms. Holden also proposed a fun run for children.

Ms. Holden listed other things to be done:
        Determine if prizes are to be awarded (male/female 1st, 2nd, 3rd)
        Get t-shirts
        Get bib numbers and safety pins
        Contact the police department
        Advertise (website / / cable tv)
        Create a registration form
        Determine the race fee (covers the cost of the t-shirt)

Motion by Bailey to add the road race to begin at 9:00 am to the Fall Fair and draft a letter for Ms. Holden to use to solicit donations. Second by Stewart. Passed unanimously.

Greenie Park/Greenie III Update
Bob Morton of the Newton Baseball Fundraising Committee was in attendance to discuss drainage and other issues regarding the Greenie III ball field.

Nelson said that Frank Gibbs agreed to donate machine time to do the excavation necessary for the drainage and would like to review the work to be done on site.  

Mr. Morton said he would work on getting prices for pipe, fabric and crushed stone for the approximately 400 foot drainage ditch that would need to be constructed and expected the costs to run between $2,000 and $3,000. Mr. Morton said he would bring a new drawing and submit a proposal for the drainage work at the next meeting. Nelson said he would set up a time for Gibbs to view the site.

Mr. Morton said he would get an invoice for the netting for the extension between the two fences and submit it at the next meeting.

Mr. Morton would also like to meet regarding field maintenance and sprinkler issues.

Other Business
Nelson stepped down to discuss Newton Babe Ruth.  He said that he would like a donation from the Recreation Commission to purchase baseball equipment.  Bailey suggested that Nelson submit a proposal for the Commission to review at the next meeting.  

Rick motioned to adjourn at 9:00 pm, 2nd Deb Stewart, vote: unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lisa Babcock, Secretary