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July 11, 2007 Recreation Commission Minutes
Newton Recreation Commission

July 11, 2007
Newton Town Hall        
7:30 pm


Call to order
Chairman Rick Bailey called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM with the following Commission members in attendance: Rick Bailey, Chairman; Nancy Slombo, Theresa Gridley (by phone) and Deb Steward (by phone). Minutes were recorded by secretary, Lisa Babcock.

Swim Contracts
The Commission then reviewed some new swim contracts.  Motion by Bailey to
promote Alex Hodgman from swim aid to life guard and approve contract for a period of 9 weeks beginning 6/25/07 at $9.16/hour. Second by Slombo. Passed unanimously.

Motion by Bailey, with second by Slombo, to approve the following swim contracts:
        Joseph Burleigh, life guard, 9 weeks beginning 6/25/07 at  $9.16/hr
        Andrew Nelson, swim aid, 7 weeks beginning 6/25/07 at  $7.54/hr
Passed unanimously.

Greenie Park/Greenie III Update
Bob Morton of the Newton Baseball Fundraising Committee was in attendance and gave an update on progress on the ball field upgrades.  He made the following points:
1.      The netting is on order for the fence extension between Greenie II and Comac fields. Work will begin on installing the net next week.
2.      Volunteers are available to do the drainage construction, but machines are still needed (back hoe and excavator) to install the dry well and catch basin and dig the drainage ditch. Mr. Morton is hoping to get the work done in August and will talk to Gary Nelson about getting machine time donated.  Mr. Morton has secured discount prices for the dry well and catch basin.
3.      As noted in previous meetings, the Recreation Commission cannot assume the costs of maintaining Greenie III. Nancy will contact Sea of Green for a separate bill for the summer treatment of Greenie III. Mr. Morton and the Recreation Commission will meet in October to plan field maintenance for next year.  Greenie III needs to be top dressed, seeded and fertilized. It also needs irrigation.

Rick motioned to adjourn at 8:30 pm, 2nd Nancy Slombo, vote: unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lisa Babcock, Secretary