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May 9, 2007 Recreation Commission Minutes
Newton Recreation Commission

May 9, 2007
Newton Town Hall        
7:30 pm


Call to order
Chairman Rick Bailey called the meeting to order at 7:45 PM with the following Commission members in attendance: Rick Bailey, Chairman; Nancy Slombo, Treasurer/Alternate; Theresa Gridley, Vice-Chair. Minutes were recorded by secretary, Lisa Babcock. Also in attendance: Bob Morton of Newton Baseball and resident Dean Mace.

Nancy moved to reimburse Yvette Nicol of the Girl Scouts $153 for the Easter Egg Hunt, seconded by Rick. Motion passed unanimously.

Memorial Day Parade
The Memorial Day Parade will be held on May 28th at 12:00. Line-up will begin at 11:30 AM at the Horace Williams Community Hall parking lot. The parade will proceed onto West Main Street then right onto Whittier Street ending at the cemetery for the Memorial Day address. Rick will contact the high school band, handle advertisement and purchase refreshments at Sam’s Club. The Boy Scouts will do the Pledge of Allegiance and serve refreshments at the Hall immediately following the ceremonies at the cemetery. Nancy will order the flags. Secretary will notify the Girl Scouts, Bob Morton will notify Newton Baseball.
Greenie Park Update
Bob Morton of the Newton Baseball Fundraising Committee gave an update of the progress of the new baseball field at Greenie Park. The following items are still needed: protective cap on the outfield fence, netting and supports on the back stop, extension net between Greenie II and Comac fields, dugouts for the new fields.  In addition, the drainage issue still needs to be addressed.  Mr. Morton stated that S&R Construction is too busy to do the work now.  He estimates the work to dig the trench will take 2-3 days and the following supplies are still needed: catch basin, crushed stone, pipe, fabric and dry well.  He estimates the cost of the project to be between $4,000-$6,000.  Rick requested an itemized list and breakdown of expenses for the Commission to consider.  Mr. Morton will provide that for the May 23rd meeting.  

Mr. Morton said the first priority should be installing the extension of the fences between Greenie II and Comac.  Motion by Rick, seconded by Nancy to allocate up to $500 to Newton Baseball to install supports, netting and cable as a protective barrier between Greenie II and Comac field, passed unanimously.

Martial Arts Class
Newton resident, Dean Mace was in attendance to discuss teaching a martial arts class at Greenie Park over the summer.  He is a certified martial arts teacher and has taught people age 3 to adult. He proposed a high energy class that focuses on character development. He also proposed putting on a demonstration at the Fall Fair. A small grassy area is needed for the class. Nancy inquired about insurance coverage.  Rick will check with the town hall to see if the Town insurance would cover the class. Mr. Mace will present a formal proposal for the class at the May 23rd meeting.

Rick motioned to adjourn at 8:45 PM, 2nd Nancy Slombo, vote: unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lisa Babcock, Secretary