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April 11, 2007 Recreation Commission Minutes
Newton Recreation Commission

April 11, 2007
Newton Town Hall        
7:30 pm


Call to order
Chairman Rick Bailey called the meeting to order at 7:42 PM with the following Commission members in attendance: Rick Bailey, Chariman; Nancy Slombo, Treasurer/Alternate; Theresa Gridley, Vice-Chair; Deb Stewart. Minutes were recorded by secretary, Lisa Babcock.

Newton Baseball Fundraising Committee
Bob Morton of the Newton Baseball Fundraising Committee was in attendance to update the Commission on the progress of the new U10 field at Greenie Park (Greenie III).
Work on the new field is well under way and Newton Baseball expects the field to be completed by opening day (May 5th).  Work has also been done on the batting cage.  Netting will be installed between the two fields as a safety measure.  

S&R gave Donovan an estimate on the drainage issues (in the area from the backstops to the dumpster, about 300 feet). 2 catch basins will be installed and the parking lot and roadway will be graded. Rick will talk to Bob Donovan and Gary Nelson about getting materials to defray the costs.

Sanborn High School After-Prom Party
Cathy Surette of the Sanborn High School After-Prom Party Committee was in attendance to provide receipts for party costs.  Cathy provided receipts for the following items: slush machine, $360; Sam’s club (supplies), $96.82; Oriental Trader, $85.08.  The supplies exceeded the original estimate by $41.90.  Deb motioned to reimburse Cathy $41.90 for purchases related to the after prom party, seconded by Rick. Motion passed unanimously. Cathy will pick up the check.

Other Business
·       Secretary to remind Girl Scouts to submit receipts for Easter Egg Hunt.
·       Secretary will call Selectman’s office to reschedule 4/25 meeting to 4/18.

Rick motioned to adjourn at 8:23 PM, 2nd Nancy Slombo, vote: unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lisa Babcock, Secretary