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July 12, 2006 Recreation Commission Minutes
Newton Recreation Commission
July 12, 2006
Newton Town Hall        
8:00 pm

Commission:     Rick Bailey, Theresa Gridley, Nancy Slombo, Deb Stewart, Bob Donovan, BOS ex officio

Also Present: Tom Gasse, Jon Holden, Swim Director      
Secretary: Lisa Babcock


·       Swim Program
o       Rick motion to approve swim contract as written fro Dave Mallock, Deb second, in favor, unanimous.
o       All paperwork in for guards and swim aids except one person.  
o       Swim lessons have started.
o       Raft is in fair condition.  Will need a new one for 2007.
o       Rick motion to reimburse Jon Holden $27.49 for sun block, cd player and batteries for life guards, second Deb, in favor unanimous.

·       Tennis Program
o       Team tennis registrations coming in.
o       Junior tennis starts 7/14
o       Adult program has been running Thursdays at 6:00.

·       Summer Programs
o       Skateland has been reserved for Tuesday, July 18th and Sunday, August 13th, 5-7 pm. Total cost $600.
o       Secretary will put dates on sign.
o       Water Country tickets available for $21.

·       Beach Party
o       Scheduled for Saturday, August 5th, 12 – 4 pm.
o       Swim certificates will be given out.
o       Games, prizes
o       Tom will ask baseball if they want to cook for a fundraiser.

·       Fall Fair
o       Deb to call re reptile/animal show, also Carl Malm re DJ
o       Theresa to call re children’s self defense program
o       Police will do dunk tank
o       Secretary to contact Girl Scouts
o       Boy Scouts will cook
o       Nancy will call re moon bouncer, pony rides
o       Tom will inquire if baseball will be involved.
o       Other ideas: Road Race, Face Painting, Historical Society, Story Hour/Library, sack races, fast pitch contest.

·       Bills
o       Nancy, motion to pay Screamin Green $840 for field mowing, second, Rick, in favor unanimous.
o       Nancy, motion to pay Triangle for chemical toilet for Town Beach $178.20 (for July), second, Rick, in favor, unanimous.
o       Rick, motion to pay Rick $15.99 for Memorial Day cake, second, Nancy, in favor, unanimous.

·       Other Business
o       Tom getting estimates for signs for Greenie Park and Town Beach
o       Secretary to contact Nancy re Town Inventory list
o       Rick, motion to adjourn 9:45 pm.

Next meeting: July 26, 2006
        Finalize plans for beach party.
Finalize wording for signs.