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April 12, 2006 Recreation Commission Minutes
Newton Recreation Commission

April 12, 2006
Newton Town Hall        
8:00 pm

Commission:     Rick Bailey, Janice Amero, Theresa Gridley, Nancy Slombo, Deb Stewart, Bob Donovan, BOS ex officio

Secretary:      Lisa Babcock


·       Vacation Weeks
o       Skateland booked for April 25
o       Deb to contact schools to send out flyer for Skateland
o       Next meeting discuss how many Water Country tickets to purchase

·       Greenie Park
o       Greenie Park sign fell during storm – sign is broken
o       Bleachers were moved to skate park

·       Bills
o       Yvette Nicol $138.98 for candy and prizes for Easter Egg Hunt
o       Skateland $300 for vacation week.

·       Town Beach
o       Jon should come to meeting to discuss who he wants to re-hire for beach.

·       Other Business
o       9:00 motion to adjourn