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December 13, 2016 Planning Board Minutes
Minutes of Work Session
December 13, 2016

Call to Order: Chair Barbara White called the meeting to order at 7:08 PM. In attendance were: Chair Barbara White; Vice Chair Jim Doggett; Planning Board members Roger Hamel, Jim White, and Sandra Estabrook.   Circuit Rider Planner was excused. Minutes were transcribed by Administrative Assistant Gail LeBlanc.

The meeting began with a salute to the flag.

1.  2017 Planning Board Calendar:  Tabled until December 27th meeting.  R. Hamel noticed some dates need to be adjusted and will assist the AA in formatting the calendar in an excel worksheet.

2.  2017 Proposed Budget:  R. Hamel moved that the Planning Board recommend to the Board of Selectmen a 2017 operating budget funded at $48,262.00. Second by J. Doggett.  Motion carried unanimously.

3. Country Pond Fish & Game Club, Release of Financial Guarantee: J. Doggett moved to rescind the motion made at the November 22, 2016, meeting that the Board of Selectmen release the Site Financial Bond for Country Pond Fish & Game Club in the amount of $102,104.00.  R. Hamel second with unanimous vote.  

J. Doggett made a motion to send a letter to the Board of Selectmen rescinding the motion to release the $102,104.00.  R. Hamel second with unanimous vote.

4.  Other Board Business and Correspondence

a. Acceptance of Minutes from 11/22/16 meeting:  J. Doggett moved to accept the minutes of the November 22, 2016 meeting. Second by J. White.  R. Hamel  had one change:  Before item 3, insert “R. Hamel returned to the meeting.” J. Doggett accepted the change as a friendly amendment.  All in favor.

b. Manifests B. White presented an operating budget manifest to the Board.
R. Hamel moved to pay the operating budget manifest in the amount of $5,914.55. J. Doggett second with unanimous vote.

B.White presented a NPREA manifest to the Board.  R. Hamel moved to pay the NPREA manifest in the amount of $342.56. J. White second with unanimous vote.

c. Correspondence:  The 10th Anniversary of the NH Water and Watershed Conference flyers were passed out to PB members.  The Conference will be held March 24, 2017.  

Chair White wanted to discuss the Notice of Decision that was issued on November 22, 2016, to Mr. Richard Early.   R. Hamel excused himself.  B. White suggested editing the Notice of Decision, condition #1 to read, “Approved hours of operation are:  Monday through Saturday from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM.”  S. Estabrook moved to change the wording of the Notice of Decision and for it to be recorded at the registry.  J. Doggett second with unanimous vote.

R. Hamel returned to the meeting.  

5. Adjournment:  J. Doggett motioned to adjourn at 7:58 PM.  J. White second with unanimous vote.

Respectfully Submitted,

Gail M. LeBlanc, AA
Newton Planning Board