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November 22, 2016 Planning Board Minutes
Minutes of Public Hearing & Meeting
November 22, 2016

Call to Order: Vice Chair Jim Doggett called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. In attendance were: Vice Chair Jim Doggett; Planning Board members Sandra Estabrook, Roger Hamel, Alternates Annie Collyer and Rep. Mary Allen; and Circuit Rider Planner Jennifer Rowden. Minutes were transcribed by Administrative Assistant Gail LeBlanc.

The meeting began with a salute to the flag.

J. Doggett appointed Rep. M. Allen to sit in for Chair B. White
J. Doggett appointed Annie Collyer to sit in for Jim White

1.  Salute the Flag

2. Public Hearing: Minor Site Plan Change of Use, Richard Early, Sr., 6 U5 Puzzle Lane, Map 14, Block 1, Lot 27-3-5.  R. Hamel recused himself. J. Doggett asked if there were abutters present that would like to speak.  R. Figenbaum, 1 Dogwood Lane, expressed concerns about traffic and noise.  He spoke of motorcycles and “hot rods” speeding and trucks operating at 5:30 -6:00 AM.  Mr. Figenbaum was advised that these issues have nothing to do with the Change of Use application and that he should be calling the Police with his concerns.  Ms. Rowden suggested one of the conditions of approval would be the hours of operation.  Mr. Early addressed the PB.  He stated there would not be a lot of traffic because the cars would be advertised on the internet and people would be making appointments to come by.  He stated the business would be open six days per week from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM.  David Harder, abutter at 2 Dogwood Lane asked the PB what the master plan was, what is the zoning there?  J. Doggett said that it is commercially zoned.  J. Rowden stated that the area is zoned commercial.  There are other businesses within the park that have PB approval.  The use Mr. Early is applying for is an approved use.  Betsy Figenbaum of 1 Dogwood Lane asked if abutters would be notified of any changes in use in the future?  Yes abutters are notified.  Abutters were advised if they hear drag racing (which is not allowable) and the squeal of tires, they should complain to the Police Department.  That is never permitted.  J. Rowden stated that based on her review, the application meets all zoning and site plan requirements and is complete.  J. Rowden recommended the PB take jurisdiction and based upon approval, all conditions will be noted on the Notice of Decision. J. Doggett closed the public hearing.  Rep. M. Allen motioned to take jurisdiction, S. Estabrook second.  All in favor. J. Doggett asked for a motion for a conditional approval with the conditions being that the recorded plan list the hours of operations being 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM, Monday through Saturday and  that there will be no outdoor storage of anything other than vehicles.  Rep. M. Allen, so moved, Annie Collyer seconded the motion.  An amendment to the motion was made that the applicant obtains all required permits.  J. Doggett asked if the PB accepted the amendment concerning the applicant get all required permits.  Rep. Allen – yes, A. Collyer – yes.  Four in favor; one opposed – Ms. Estabrook.  Motion passes.  Hours and operation and no additional storage outside of building other than vehicles must be noted on the plan.

3.  Other Board Business and Correspondence

a.  Bond Release:  Release of Site Restoration financial guarantee, Country Pond Fish and Game, Map 5, Block 5, Lots 12-1 and 13:  R. Hamel made a motion to recommend the Board of Selectmen release the entire Site Financial bond in the amount of $102,104.00, plus interest.  Rep. M. Allen second.  All in favor.

b. Reduction in Financial Guarantee to 10% for plantings, Country Pond Fish and Game, Map 5, Block 5, Lots 12-1 and 13.  R. Hamel made a motion to recommend the Board of Selectmen reduce the Plantings Financial Guarantee Amount to $5,983.00.  Rep. M. Allen second.  All in favor.

c.  Acceptance of Minutes of October 25, 2016.  R. Hamel made a motion to approve the October 25, 2016, meeting minutes.  S. Estabrook second.  All in favor.

d. Manifests  J. Doggett presented a NPREA Budget Manifest to the Board in the amount of $155.28.  R. Hamel moved to pay the NPREA Budget manifest.  Second by A. Collyer.  Motion carried unanimously.

J. Doggett presented an Operating Budget manifest to the Board in the amount of $120.31.  A. Collyer moved to pay the Operating Budget Manifest.  Second by R. Hamel.  Motion carried unanimously.

5. Adjourn: A. Collyer moved to adjourn at 7:58 PM.  R. Hamel seconded.  All in favor.

Respectfully Submitted,

Gail M. LeBlanc, AA
Newton Planning Board

All minutes are in draft form until approved by the Planning Board. Please check subsequent minutes for approval of and/or amendments to these minutes.