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October 25, 2016 Planning Board Minutes
Minutes of Public Hearing & Meeting
October 25, 2016

Call to Order: Chair Barbara White called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM. In attendance were: Chair Barbara White; Vice Chair Jim Doggett; Planning Board members Jim White, Sandra Estabrook, Jim Holland, Roger Hamel, Charlie Melvin and Circuit Rider Planner Jennifer Rowden. Minutes were transcribed by Administrative Assistant Gail LeBlanc.

The meeting began with a salute to the flag.  

1. Public Hearing to accept amended Zoning Ordinance for Accessory Apartments  B. White opened the public hearing.  The PB has reviewed and accepted this revised version of the accessory apartment ordinance.  B. White asked if anyone had any questions or concerns with the revised ordinance.  J. Doggett asked about item 3 “Not more than four (4) people shall occupy said apartment.”  J. Doggett asked if this is state law.  J. Rowden responded that according to the state law, there would be no more restrictions than are in the current health codes.    There is no number assigned, it’s just a reasonable amount of people in a bedroom.  B. White asked if anyone in the audience had any questions.  There were no questions.  B. White closed the public hearing.  J. Doggett moved to go to warrant with the amended zoning ordinance.  J. Holland seconded.  Six in favor; one opposed (S. Estabrook).  Ms. Rowden stated that any accessory apartment applications received before the March vote are subject to the current ordinance which was just voted on.   The Building Department will be given a copy of the revised ordinance.  

2.  Continued Public Hearing:  Johanne and Brian Russo, 52 North Main Street and Rosemary Huson, 54 North Main Street, Lot Line Adjustment  J. Doggett moved to take jurisdiction.  R. Hamel seconded.  All in favor.    R. Hamel asked the reason for the lot line adjustment.  Ms. Russo stated that a few years back they had their property surveyed.  It was discovered that part of the Russo’s well is on the Huson property as well as part of the Russo driveway.  Part of the Huson’s horse paddock is on the Russo property. R. Hamel asked about some sheds on the property and whether they’ve been removed.  Yes they have been removed.  Ms. Russo was told that when the engineer prepares the final mylar that the sheds should not appear on the mylar.  B. White asked if anyone in the audience had any questions.  J. Doggett moved to approve the lot line adjustment with the caveat that the plan has to show that the sheds were removed and that lot line markers (cement marker or metal pin) need to be installed and shown on the plan.  C. Melvin seconded.  All in favor.  B. White closed the public hearing.  

3.  Public Hearing:  David Bouchard, 78 South Main Street, Minor Site Plan Review (20’ x 12’ addition)  C. Melvin recused himself.  J. Doggett moved to take jurisdiction.  J. Holland seconded.  It was determined that Mr. Bouchard’s application was complete and there were no concerns.  J. Doggett moved to approve the minor site plan for a 20’ x 12’ addition. J. Holland seconded the motion.  All in favor.  S. Estabrook asked about outside access to the addition.  There is no outside access.   There are no windows or doors in the proposed addition.  B. White reminded Mr. Bouchard that he now needs to go the Building Department for a building permit.  J. Doggett moved to record the Notice of Decision at the Registry. S. Estabrook seconded.  All in favor.  B. White closed the public hearing.  C. Melvin returned to the Board.

4.  Other Board Business and Correspondence
a.  C.I.P. – Highway Department  M. Pivero, Road Agent, appeared before the PB with the Highway Department CIP projects/requests.  

B. White asked a member of the audience if he had any questions.  Rick Russell stated he came to attend the Public Hearing on the Accessory Apartment, but the hearing was over by the time he arrived.  He stated he has no objections with the ordinance.  He had a few questions about egress and the amount of people living in the unit.  He also asked about the minimum square feet requirement.  There is no minimum.

b. Rental Housing ordinance review It was agreed that the Rental Housing Ordinance is not a zoning ordinance and should proceed as a Selectmen’s Ordinance because it deals with health and human safety.

c.  Acceptance of Minutes of October 11, 2016.  J. Doggett made a motion to approve the minutes from the October 11, 2016, meeting.  J.  Holland  seconded the motion. R. Hamel requested the following be included in the meeting minutes, “Mr. Hamel, a resident of Sargent Woods Condominium, which abuts the property, raised a question of who is the actual owner of record of the parking lot, Puzzle Lane Condominium Phase #1 or 125 Development NH Corp.” J. Doggett moved to approve the amended meeting minutes.  C. Melvin seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.

d. Manifests  B. White presented a NPREA Budget Manifest to the Board in the amount of $38.82.  J. Doggett moved to pay the NPREA Budget manifest.  Second by S. Estabrook.  Motion carried unanimously.

B. White presented an Operating Budget manifest to the Board in the amount of $215.72.  J. Doggett moved to pay the Operating Budget Manifest.  Second by S. Estabrook.  Six in favor.  R. Hamel abstained.

R. Hamel reported he attended the Law Lecture Series.  He discussed alternates and what rights they have.  He recommended the PB resurrect the Rules of Procedure that the PB previously worked on.  It was agreed that the document would be reviewed and acted on in the future.  

5. Adjourn: J. Doggett moved to adjourn at 8:14 PM.  S. Estabrook seconded.  All in favor.

Respectfully Submitted,

Gail M. LeBlanc, AA
Newton Planning Board
Call to Order: Chair Barbara White called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM. In attendance were: Chair Barbara White; Vice Chair Jim Doggett; Planning Board members Jim White, Sandra Estabrook, Jim Holland, Roger Hamel, Charlie Melvin and Circuit Rider Planner Jennifer Rowden. Minutes were transcribed by Administrative Assistant Gail LeBlanc.

The meeting began with a salute to the flag.  

1. Public Hearing to accept amended Zoning Ordinance for Accessory Apartments  B. White opened the public hearing.  The PB has reviewed and accepted this revised version of the accessory apartment ordinance.  B. White asked if anyone had any questions or concerns with the revised ordinance.  J. Doggett asked about item 3 “Not more than four (4) people shall occupy said apartment.”  J. Doggett asked if this is state law.  J. Rowden responded that according to the state law, there would be no more restrictions than are in the current health codes.    There is no number assigned, it’s just a reasonable amount of people in a bedroom.  B. White asked if anyone in the audience had any questions.  There were no questions.  B. White closed the public hearing.  J. Doggett moved to go to warrant with the amended zoning ordinance.  J. Holland seconded.  Six in favor; one opposed (S. Estabrook).  Ms. Rowden stated that any accessory apartment applications received before the March vote are subject to the current ordinance which was just voted on.   The Building Department will be given a copy of the revised ordinance.  

2.  Continued Public Hearing:  Johanne and Brian Russo, 52 North Main Street and Rosemary Huson, 54 North Main Street, Lot Line Adjustment  J. Doggett moved to take jurisdiction.  R. Hamel seconded.  All in favor.    R. Hamel asked the reason for the lot line adjustment.  Ms. Russo stated that a few years back they had their property surveyed.  It was discovered that part of the Russo’s well is on the Huson property as well as part of the Russo driveway.  Part of the Huson’s horse paddock is on the Russo property. R. Hamel asked about some sheds on the property and whether they’ve been removed.  Yes they have been removed.  Ms. Russo was told that when the engineer prepares the final mylar that the sheds should not appear on the mylar.  B. White asked if anyone in the audience had any questions.  J. Doggett moved to approve the lot line adjustment with the caveat that the plan has to show that the sheds were removed and that lot line markers (cement marker or metal pin) need to be installed and shown on the plan.  C. Melvin seconded.  All in favor.  B. White closed the public hearing.  

3.  Public Hearing:  David Bouchard, 78 South Main Street, Minor Site Plan Review (20’ x 12’ addition)  C. Melvin recused himself.  J. Doggett moved to take jurisdiction.  J. Holland seconded.  It was determined that Mr. Bouchard’s application was complete and there were no concerns.  J. Doggett moved to approve the minor site plan for a 20’ x 12’ addition. J. Holland seconded the motion.  All in favor.  S. Estabrook asked about outside access to the addition.  There is no outside access.   There are no windows or doors in the proposed addition.  B. White reminded Mr. Bouchard that he now needs to go the Building Department for a building permit.  J. Doggett moved to record the Notice of Decision at the Registry. S. Estabrook seconded.  All in favor.  B. White closed the public hearing.  C. Melvin returned to the Board.

4.  Other Board Business and Correspondence
a.  C.I.P. – Highway Department  M. Pivero, Road Agent, appeared before the PB with the Highway Department CIP projects/requests.  

B. White asked a member of the audience if he had any questions.  Rick Russell stated he came to attend the Public Hearing on the Accessory Apartment, but the hearing was over by the time he arrived.  He stated he has no objections with the ordinance.  He had a few questions about egress and the amount of people living in the unit.  He also asked about the minimum square feet requirement.  There is no minimum.

b. Rental Housing ordinance review It was agreed that the Rental Housing Ordinance is not a zoning ordinance and should proceed as a Selectmen’s Ordinance because it deals with health and human safety.

c.  Acceptance of Minutes of October 11, 2016.  J. Doggett made a motion to approve the minutes from the October 11, 2016, meeting.  J.  Holland  seconded the motion. R. Hamel requested the following be included in the meeting minutes, “Mr. Hamel, a resident of Sargent Woods Condominium, which abuts the property, raised a question of who is the actual owner of record of the parking lot, Puzzle Lane Condominium Phase #1 or 125 Development NH Corp.” J. Doggett moved to approve the amended meeting minutes.  C. Melvin seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.

d. Manifests  B. White presented a NPREA Budget Manifest to the Board in the amount of $38.82.  J. Doggett moved to pay the NPREA Budget manifest.  Second by S. Estabrook.  Motion carried unanimously.

B. White presented an Operating Budget manifest to the Board in the amount of $215.72.  J. Doggett moved to pay the Operating Budget Manifest.  Second by S. Estabrook.  Six in favor.  R. Hamel abstained.

R. Hamel reported he attended the Law Lecture Series.  He discussed alternates and what rights they have.  He recommended the PB resurrect the Rules of Procedure that the PB previously worked on.  It was agreed that the document would be reviewed and acted on in the future.  

5. Adjourn: J. Doggett moved to adjourn at 8:14 PM.  S. Estabrook seconded.  All in favor.

Respectfully Submitted,

Gail M. LeBlanc, AA
Newton Planning Board