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October 11, 2016 Planning Board Minutes
Minutes of Public Hearing & Meeting
October 11, 2016

Call to Order: Chair Barbara White called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. In attendance were: Chair Barbara White; Vice Chair Jim Doggett; Planning Board members Jim White, Sandra Estabrook, Jim Holland, Roger Hamel, Charlie Melvin and Circuit Rider Planner Jennifer Rowden. Minutes were transcribed by Administrative Assistant Gail LeBlanc.

The meeting began with a salute to the flag.  

R. Hamel, J. Holland and C. Melvin stepped down from the Board.

1. Non-binding Consultation:  Richard P. Early, Sr. 6 U5 Puzzle Lane
 (14-1-27 3-5)  Mr. Early appeared before the Board.  He would like to sell cars          from his business at 6 U5 Puzzle Lane.  J. Rowden said that this would require         a change of use permit.  Mr. Early was asked how many cars he would have on the lot, he stated he would be using the spots that were associated with his unit and that a neighboring unit had agreed to lease him warehouse space along with parking spots.  Mr. Early was advised that he would either need to produce a deed for the intended parking spots, or J. Rowden said an affidavit to the effect that Mr. Early was leasing the spots would be acceptable. Mr. Early was advised he would need a letter from the owner of the property stating he had permission to use the general parking spots not associated with the condo units and he has no problem with Mr. Early applying for the change of use permit.  

R. Hamel, J. Holland and C. Melvin returned to the Board.

2.  Continued Public Hearing Johanne and Brian Russo, 52 North Main Street, Lot Line Adjustment. Ms. Russo was accompanied by Mr. Huson, who is the co-applicant.  Mr. Huson has no objection to the lot line adjustment and will add his name to the application after he meets with the Town Assessor next week to have some of his questions answered.   They asked that the public hearing by continued.

J. Doggett made a motion to continue this hearing until the next PB meeting on October 25, 2016.  C. Melvin seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.

3.  Other Board Business and Correspondence
a.  Acceptance of minutes from 9/27/16  J. Doggett made a motion to approve the minutes from the September 27, 2016 meeting.  J. Holland seconded the motion.  Motion carried unanimously.

b.  Manifests  B. White presented an Operating Budget Manifest in the amount of $58.99.  J. Doggett moved to pay the Operating Budget Manifest.  C. Melvin seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.
B. White presented a NPREA manifest in the amount of $56.02.  J. Doggett moved to pay the NPREA manifest.  C. Melvin seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.

J. Doggett motioned to go into non-public session at 7:22 PM under RSA 91-A:3 II (a) - Personnel  Second by C. Melvin.  Roll Call Vote: Holland - yes, Estabrook - yes, Hamel - yes, Doggett - yes, B. White – yes, J. White – yes, Melvin-yes.  Motion carried unanimously.

At 7:40 PM, J. Doggett made a motion to come out of non-public meeting.  C. Melvin seconded the motion.  Roll Call Vote: Holland - yes, Estabrook - yes, Hamel - yes, Doggett - yes, B. White – yes, J. White – yes, Melvin-yes.  Motion carried unanimously.

J. Doggett moved to forward the evaluation of the Administrative Assistant to the Board of Selectmen for review and action.  S. Estabrook seconded the motion.  Motion carried unanimously.

5. Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Gail M. LeBlanc, AA
Newton Planning Board