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August 23, 2016 Planning Board Minutes
August 23, 2016

Call to Order: Chair Barbara White called the meeting to order at 6:08 PM. In attendance were: Chair Barbara White; Vice Chair Jim Doggett; Planning Board members James White, James Holland, Roger Hamel, Sandra Estabrook, Charlie Melvin, Alternate Rep. Mary Allen; Circuit Rider Planner Jennifer Rowden.  Minutes were transcribed by Administrative Assistant Gail LeBlanc.

B. White appointed Rep. Allen to stand in for Jim Holland
J. Holland arrived at 6:42 PM.  

The meeting began with a salute to the flag.

1.  C.I.P. Kick Off
The meeting began at 6:00 PM to kick off the C.I.P. Process.  Tonight’s meeting was an opportunity for Department Heads to ask questions about the C.I.P. process.  To date, the Fire Department and the Cemetery Trustees have responded.  Department project details and rankings are due 9/15/16.  Ms. Rowden reported that she did receive a call from the Library Director about some projects. They were not able to attend tonight’s meeting.  Ms. Rowden was able to go over the process over the telephone.  None of the other Departments invited contacted, attended or responded.

J. Doggett stated that the Police Department would be contacted.  They should be requesting cruisers, dispatch radios and generators as part of the C.I.P.  Emergency Management should also be responding with their requests.  Quite a bit of their funding comes from Seabrook Station.  Ms. Rowden said that although some projects are not fully funded by the Town, they want to account for it.  Sometimes projects can be grouped together to make the $10,000.00 request (i.e. dispatch radios).  Bond requests should be part of the C.I.P.  The C.I.P. is a six year plan.  The C.I.P. can be amended; projects can be added.  

Other Board Business and Correspondence
a. Acceptance of Minutes from 8/9/16 meeting:  J. Doggett made a motion to approve the minutes from 8/9/16.  R. Hamel seconded the motion.
Motion carried unanimously.

b. Manifests: B. White presented an Operating Budget manifest to the Board in the amount of $10.14.  C. Melvin moved to pay the Operating Budget manifest.  Second by J. Doggett.  Motion carried unanimously.

c. Accessory Apartment:  Review of Accessory Apartment ordinance changes tabled - review TBD.

d. Safety Manual Form H:  B. White requested everyone review the Safety Manuel that was emailed to PB members and hand in their acknowledgement/signature sheets tonight.  

E. Other

  • J. Rowden, Circuit Rider Planner, reported that the Rockingham Planning Commission received an award from the Department of Environmental Services to start a project on the Pow Wow River Watershed.  The purpose of the project is to get the towns to start talking about the water.  Amesbury, MA, is part of the project as this is part of their water supply.  This includes the ponds and rivers inside the watershed.  They’re hoping to start conversations among the towns, Planning Boards and Conservation Commissions.  This will give the towns an opportunity to learn about their water.  They’ll be some mapping done.  This will help to develop a watershed management plan.  
  • J. Doggett reported that he has identified all the cisterns within the Town and has found most of the easements.  We were not able to access the Registry of Deeds online.  It was suggested that we change our internet browser to access the Registry of Deeds. It was suggested we use Internet Explorer.
At 6:40 PM a recess was called.

B. White removed Rep. Allen as a voting member.

At 7:00 PM B. White called the meeting back to order and opened the Public Hearing for a Lot Line Adjustment for Michelle O’Connor (Daly) and John O’Connor, 10 and 12 Marcoux Road.  Corey Colwell of TFM/MSC gave a presentation to the PB showing the proposed lot line adjustments.  The property has been in the O’Connor family for close to 100 years.  At the July 21, 2016, ZBA meeting, eight variances were granted.  

J. Doggett made a motion to approve the lot line adjustment with the following conditions:  
  • All state and local permits are obtained
  • The recorded plan will show the location of the well and septic system locations on both lots
  • The full language of the variances approved by the ZBA be on the recorded plan
  • A notation regarding the steps be noted on the recorded plan
  • The location of the driveway for lot 2 be on the recorded plan
J. White seconded the motion.  The following abutters were present and stated they had no problem with lot line adjustments:  Ray Madore of 8 Marcoux Road; Marjorie Butland of 9 Marcoux Road; and Julian Sosa of 7 Marcoux Road.  Motion carried unanimously.  

J. Doggett made a motion to approve the PB Chair authorization to sign the plans once the conditions have been met.  C. Melvin seconded the motion.  Motion carried unanimously.  

B. White closed the public hearing.

Adjourn: J. Doggett moved to adjourn at.7:23 PM.  J. White seconded the motion.  All in favor.

Respectfully Submitted,

Gail M. LeBlanc, AA
Newton Planning Board