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July 26, 2016 Planning Board Minutes
July 26, 2016

Call to Order: Vice-Chair Jim Doggett called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. In attendance were: Vice Chair Jim Doggett; Planning Board members Roger Hamel, Charlie Melvin, Sandra Estabrook, and Alternate Representative Mary Allen. Circuit Rider Planner Jennifer Rowden.  Minutes were transcribed by Administrative Assistant Gail LeBlanc.

The meeting began with a salute to the flag.

J. Doggett appointed Rep. Allen to stand in for B. White

1. Bradford Denison, Home Based Business, Conditional Use Permit (firearms dealer), 83 Amesbury Road, property listed as tax map 16, block 4, lot 13. Continuation of 7/12/16 Public Hearing Mr. Denison was asked when his federal firearms license would be updated.  He responded once he gets approval from the Planning Board, he will submit his paperwork for the appropriate changes.

R. Hamel made a motion to approve the Conditional Use Permit (firearms dealer) for a Home Based Business for Bradford Denison, 83 Amesbury Road.  Rep. Allen seconded the motion.  Unanimously approved.  

Vice Chair J. Doggett closed the public hearing.

2.  Other Board Business and Correspondence

a. Live Free Recovery Updated Business Occupancy Permit.  Live Free Recovery has requested an increase in their business hours to:  Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM and Saturdays 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM.  R. Hamel made a motion to approve the new, extended hours as presented.  C. Melvin seconded the motion.  Unanimously approved

b. Acceptance of minutes from 7/12/16.  Rep. Allen made a motion to approve the minutes from 7/12/16. S. Estabrook seconded the motion.  R. Hamel noted that at the end of paragraph 1 (Denison Home Business), the Public Hearing was NOT closed. Delete this line.  Motion carried unanimously as amended.

c. Manifests  J. Doggett presented an Operating budget manifest to the Board in the amount of $5,747.41.  R. Hamel moved to pay the Operating budget manifest. Second by Rep. M. Allen.  Motion carried unanimously.

d. Update on CIP J. Rowden, Circuit Planner, reported on the CIP.  A draft memo to Town Department Heads was reviewed.  Ms. Rowden will make appropriate changes and forward to the Selectmen.  A kick-off meeting will be held August 23rd  at 6:00 PM for all Department Heads.

Ms. Rowden prepared a hand-out for Accessory Apartments.  This will be discussed at the next PB meeting.

3. Adjourn
Rep. Allen moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:38 PM. C. Melvin seconded the motion.  Motion passed unanimously.  

Meeting adjourned at 7:38 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Gail M. LeBlanc
Administrative Assistant
Newton Planning Board