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June 14, 2016 Planning Board Minutes
Newton Planning Board
Newton, NH 03858

June 14, 2016
Public Meeting Minutes

Call to Order:  Chair Barbara White called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.  In attendance were:  Barbara White, Jim Doggett, Roger Hamel, Jim White, Sandra Estabrook, Jim Holland, Rep. Mary Allen and Alternate Annie Collyer.

B. White appointed Rep. Allen to stand in for C. Melvin.

1.The meeting began with a salute to the flag.  B. White welcomed Annie Collyer to the Planning Board as an Alternate.

2. Application for Accessory Apartment:  Susan Dow, 10 Goulds Hill Road The property is referenced as Tax Map 10, Block 4, Lot 1-2.    Susan Dow was present.  B. White opened the public hearing.  Ms. Dow stated she was here to request a conditional use permit for an accessory apartment.  Currently she has a finished game room above her garage and would like to convert the space into a one bedroom accessory apartment for her mother.  J. Rowden explained that there were several items missing from the application.  This was not the fault of the applicant.  The size of the apartment and the location within the existing structure were not listed.  In essence, the apartment should remain “invisible” in a single family home.   You want to keep the aesthetic of a single family home.  The utilities must be able to have the capacity to support the accessory apartment.  The septic system must be able to accommodate the structure as well.  A minor site plan is also needed – a hand-drawn sketch is sufficient.  Based on the missing information, J. Rowden recommended the case be continued.  J. Rowden stated these are minor issues, but are critical in the PB making a decision. Ms. Dow requested a continuance for two weeks until the next PB meeting on June 28, 2016.  J. Doggett made a motion to continue the hearing until June 28, 2016.  Mr. Holland seconded the motion.  Motion carried unanimously.

3.  Other Board Business and Correspondence:

a. Acceptance of minutes:  J. Doggett moved to accept the minutes of the
May 24, 2016, meeting.  Second by Rep. Allen.  Motion carried unanimously.  J. Doggett apologized for missing the last meeting, first time in 11 years.
b. Manifests:  B. White presented a NPREA manifest to the Board.  J. Doggett moved to pay the NPREA manifest in the amount of $125.35.  Second by S. Estabrook.  Motion carried unanimously.

B. White presented an Operating manifest to the Board.  J. Doggett moved to pay the Operating manifest in the amount of $515.00.  Second by J. Holland.  Motion carried unanimously.

c.  NPREA Refunds:  B. White presented two NPREA surplus refunds to the Board.  1) Bearce in the amount of $347.17; and 2) DiLena in the amount of $105.16.  J. Doggett moved to approve the NPREA refunds in the amount of $347.17 to Mr. Bearce and the amount of $105.16 to Mr. DiLena.  Second by Rep. Allen.  Motion carried unanimously.

d. Correspondence:  B. White shared a flyer on a program, Summer Erosion Control Field Day by the Strafford County Conservation District to be held June 28, 2016.  

J. Rowden suggested the PB develop a checklist to go along with applications.  She said it is helpful for the applicant, the PB and the PB AA.  She said it makes the application cleaner.  She said she could assist in the process.  

J.  Doggett reported that he attended the RPC Annual Meeting last week.  Rep. Allen also attended.  J. Doggett said it was a good opportunity for networking.  He said the entertainment was good.  He said the average time of an RPC Planner is 17 years.  He said that the RPC is a good, stable organization.

J. Doggett reported that the BOS are working on a Hazardous Mitigation Plan.  A draft copy was left with the PB AA if anyone would like to review it.

6. Adjourn:  At 7:26 PM, J. Doggett made a motion to adjourn the Planning Board Meeting.  R. Hamel seconded the motion.  Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Gail M. LeBlanc
Administrative Assistant