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July 12, 2016 Planning Board Minutes
July 12, 2016

Call to Order: Chair Barbara White called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. In attendance were: Chair Barbara White; Vice Chair Jim Doggett; Planning Board members James White, James Holland, Roger Hamel; Alternates Representative Mary Allen and Annie Collyer; Circuit Rider Planner Jennifer Rowden.  Minutes were transcribed by Administrative Assistant Gail LeBlanc.

The meeting began with a salute to the flag.

B. White appointed Rep. Allen to stand in for C. Melvin
B. White appointed A. Collyer to stand in for S. Estabrook.

1. Bradford Denison, Home Based Business, Conditional Use Permit (firearms dealer), 83 Amesbury Road, property listed as tax map 16, block 4, lot 13.  Chair White opened the public meeting.  B. White explained that due to email problems in the PB office, all documents in connection with the application were not available in a timely manner for the public to review.  The public hearing will be continued in two weeks (July 26, 2016).  Mr. Denison took the floor and explained that he currently has a store front in Hampton, NH, selling sporting goods and firearms.  Mr. Denison would like to transition the business to a home based business.  Shipments would be from UPS and the USPS or the like.  He said there would be no large modifications to the property, no sign on street.  Mr. Denison’s intent is to have a “kitchen table” business. He is a one-person operation with no employees.   He would be doing internet sales. He said that the business would take up approximately 400 sq. ft. of the home.  J. Doggett asked if he would be carrying large amounts of ammunition.  He would not be carrying large amounts of ammunition.  B. White asked if there would be any firearms training.  He responded no.  Brad Fuller, abutter, asked if customers would be testing firearms.  Mr. Denison said no.  B. Fuller asked about traffic.  Mr. Denison said there would be very few customers coming to the home, maybe 1 -2 customers per month.  J. Rowden said that Mr. Denison’s application was complete with all necessary documents received.  Because the public hasn’t had the opportunity to review the complete application, she recommended continuing the public hearing for two weeks.  Jack Kozec, neighbor, but not an abutter, said he knows the land and has no problems with the application.

J. Doggett motioned to take jurisdiction of the application.  Rep. Allen seconded.  Unanimously approved.

J. Doggett motioned to continue the public hearing until July 26, 2016.  A. Collyer seconded.  Unanimously approved.  

Chair White closed this public hearing.

2. Review PB rules and procedures.  Tabled for a future meeting.

3.  Other Board Business and Correspondence

a. Acceptance of minutes from 6/28/16 Rep. Allen made a motion to approve the minutes from 6/28/16. J. Doggett seconded.  R. Hamel asked if there were any conditions in the approval of the Accessory Apartment at 10 Goulds Hill Road.  There were no conditions.  R. Hamel made an amendment to the motion that the NPREA manifest, not the Operating Budget manifest, was approved in the amount of $25.88. Motion carried unanimously as amended.

b. Manifests
B. White presented a NPREA budget manifest to the Board in the amount of $383.78.  R. Hamel moved to pay the NPREA budget manifest. Second by J. Doggett.  Motion carried unanimously.

c. Correspondence
R. Hamel said that he had reviewed the Town website, and the videos of the Selectmen are the only videos available.  J. Doggett said he spoke with the Town’s webmaster and that the meeting videos require a different category of broadband that is not budgeted for.  The meeting videos are available on the cable channel 20.  

4. Adjourn
Rep. Allen moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:24 PM. J. Doggett seconded the motion.  Motion passed unanimously.  

Meeting adjourned at 7:24 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Gail M. LeBlanc
Administrative Assistant
Newton Planning Board