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April 26, 2016 Planning Board Minutes
Newton Planning Board
P.O. Box 344
Newton, NH 03858

April 26, 2016
Public Meeting Minutes

Call to Order:  Chairman Barbara White called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.  In attendance were:  Barbara White, Jim Doggett, Roger Hamel, Jim White, Sandra Estabrook, Charles Melvin, Jennifer Rowden, RPC, Annie Collyer and Coleman McDonough

The meeting began with a salute to the flag.

  • C.I.P. Process Ms. Rowden went over hand-outs on the 2017-2022 Capital Improvement Program (CIP).  The goal of the program is to develop a six-year capital improvement plan.  Newton entered into a contract with the RPC to help develop a new CIP.  The goal is to develop a new CIP which would cover the needs of the Town from 2017-2022. The purpose of the plan is to develop a forward thinking plan to include all facilities, purchase of new fire trucks, police cruisers, safety complexes – all big capital expenses.  Most towns set a limit of $10,000.00, but that number can be lowered.  The CIP does not account for personnel.  The CIP is a tool; it does not have any authority.  It’s meant for guidance in planning future budgets.  The CIP is most successful when all department heads participate.  All department heads will be asked to submit their requested projects. Departments include:  Selectmen’s Office, Conservation Commission (ConCom), Emergency Management, Parks and Recreation, Fire Department, Police Department, Highway Department, Schools, Library and Cemetery Committee. Requests should include the year in which the Department would like to undertake the project. All requests will be reviewed by the CIP Committee/Planning Board.  The CIP Committee will review/rank projects.  The 2017-2022 CIP Report may be adopted by the Planning Board once completed through a public hearing process.  The CIP report is advisory only.
  • Other Board Business and Correspondence
  • Acceptance of minutes from April 12, 2016.  R. Hamel made a motion to accept the April 12, 2016, meeting minutes.  J. Doggett seconded the motion.  Correction:  Under #1, Racetek – Motion carries should be 5-1, not 6-1.  All in favor.
  • Manifests:  B. White presented an Operating Budget manifest to the Board in the amount of $119.51.R. Hamel made a motion to pay the operating budget manifest in the amount of $119.51.  C. Melvin seconded the motion.  Motion carries unanimously.  
  • Correspondence:  Ms. Annie Collyer of Newton read an email to the Planning Board.  Ms. Collyer’s letter discusses Planning for the Future.  The first step involves closely monitoring outgoing expenses, including expenses of education in the District.  The next steps are two-fold:  1) Understanding and helping plan for investment in Newton’s infrastructure; and 2) Understand and help plan for revenue growth.  Ms. Collyer went on to ask if there is a 5, 20, 20 year strategic plan for the town and its infrastructure?  Ms. Collyer asked what the sticking points are for commercial development, especially the Puzzle Lane complex.  Ms. Collyer asked the Board if a compromise could be made on Puzzle Lane concerning the development of the ball fields?  J. Doggett explained that the Developer came to the Planning Board over a year ago and was denied.  The Developer then went to the ZBA.  The Developer was told what variances were needed.  The Developer never came back to the Planning Board.  There is no application on file.  B. White suggested the Developer submit an application.
  • The PB received a memo from Trisha McCarthy of the Conservation Commission concerning the Fitz Sub-Division located on Chase Road in Newton.  The Conservation Commission is requiring the use of hay bales or silt fence to assist ground water run-off.  In addition to that, Best Management Practices (BMP) must be used for erosion and sediment control.  ConCom requested an alternative design since no Storm Water Management Plan has been required.  T. McCarthy and Road Agent Mike Pivero met with Fitz Development and he has agreed to use BMP and put hay bales and/or slit fences on Chase Road as requested by the Conversation Commission.
  • The Planning Board received an Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit for Country Pond Fish and Game Club.  J. Doggett asked the Board if there was a consensus to forward the letter to Town Counsel for review. The Board agreed unanimously to forward the Letter of Credit to Legal Counsel.  
B. White passed out a draft “Planning Board Rules of Procedure” for Board members to review. Board members agreed to review and come back with changes and/or corrections.  

B. White said that the Voluntary Lot Merger Form which was approved at the last PB meeting was not what the                     Registry wants.  B. White brought a revised form for future use.  R. Hamel made a motion to adopt the new,                      revised Voluntary Lot Merger Form.  J. White seconded the motion.  All in favor.

R. Hamel made a motion to approve attendance at the RPC Annual meeting.  Jim Holland seconded the motion.  All in favor. B. White said that the PB would cover the costs for two PB representatives to attend the RPC Annual Meeting.

C. Melvin asked that the cable channel be updated with the names and number of Alternates needed.  
Adjourn:  At 8:07 PM, R. Hamel made a motion to adjourn the Planning Board Meeting.  C. Melvin seconded the motion.  All in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Gail M. LeBlanc
Administrative Assistant