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January 26, 2016 Planning Board Minutes
January 26, 2016

Call to Order: Chairman Roger Hamel called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm. In attendance were: Chairman Roger Hamel; Vice Chairman Jim Doggett; Planning Board members Barbara White and Billy Smith and Alternate member Jim White.  Minutes were transcribed by Barbara White.

R. Hamel appointed J. White to stand in for R. Miller.

1.  Non-public per RSA 91-A:3, II, c - Discussion of resumes received.

J. Doggett made a motion at 7:06 pm to go into a non-public meeting per RSA 91-A:3, II(b) - The hiring of any person as a public employee; seconded by J. White.  The Board was polled - J. Doggett - aye, R. Hamel - aye, B. White - aye, B. Smith - aye, J. White - aye.  Unanimous roll call vote.

J. Doggett motioned to come out of the non-public meeting at 8:03; seconded by J. White with a unanimous roll call vote to keep all matters confidential until in the opinion of the majority of the members the circumstances no longer apply. The Board was polled - J. Doggett - aye, R. Hamel - aye, B. White - aye, B. Smith - aye, J. White - aye.  Unanimous roll call vote.

2. Other Board business.

a. Acceptance of minutes.
J. Doggett moved to accept the minutes of the December 22 meeting. Second by J. White.   Motion carried.

b. Manifests.
R. Hamel presented an Operating Budget manifest to the Board.  J. Doggett  moved to pay the operating budget manifest in the amount of $348.36. Second by J. White. Motion carried unanimously.

R. Hamel presented an NEPRA manifest to the Board.  J. Doggett  moved to pay the NEPRA manifest in the amount of $1,314.00. Second by J. White. Motion carried unanimously.

c. Correspondence.  None

3.  Other
Planning Board vacancies

Mr. Doggett reported that Mr. J. Miller will be moving to Texas and will no longer be a member of the Planning Board.  We are waiting for a letter of resignation from Mr. Miller.  

Mr. J. White noted that he has signed up to be placed on the ballot for election to the Planning Board.  He is presently an alternate and expressed an interest to become a regular member.  Mr. Smith has not yet decided.

125 Development

J. Doggett reported the Planning Board was waiting for a letter of credit and a deed from 125 Development.  So far only the letter of credit has been received.  

4. Adjourn:
J. White  moved to adjourn at 8:30; J. Doggett seconded.  Motion passed unanimously.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Barbara White

Barbara White
Newton Planning Board