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October 14, 2014 Planning Board Minutes
OCTOBER 14, 2014

1. Call to Order: Chairman Barbara White called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. In attendance were: Chairman Barbara White; Planning Board members Roger Hamel and Sandra Estabrook; Alternates Mary Allen, Jim Holland, and Bill Smith; and Circuit Rider Planner Jennifer Rowden. Minutes were transcribed by Administrative Assistant Rick Milner.

White appointed Allen to stand in for Gabriel.
White appointed Holland to stand in for Miller.
White appointed Smith to stand in for Blanchette.

2. Town of Newton, NH review of conditions of approval for minor site plan at 51 Highland Street (Garage construction over 1,200 square feet).  The property is referenced as Tax Map 5, Block 4, Lot 17.

Valerie Sutton and Jeff Brown were present.
Ms. Sutton addressed the Board. Ms. Sutton requested that the Planning Board reconsider the condition of approval for the garage construction at 51 Highland Street which required that one electric meter will service all buildings on the entire property. In order to comply with this condition, considerable cost will be incurred by the property owners. As noted in a review by a Unitil representative presented to the Planning Board, the voltage loss would adversely affect electric service to the neighboring property and the following items will need to be completed:
  • extensive upgrades of the in-home electric components
  • upgrade of the existing transformer
  • installation of wiring by trenching over three hundred feet of the property.
Ms. Sutton suggested that the Board allow the installation of a second electric line and meter directly connected to the garage as shown on the drawing presented to the Board.

Rowden explained that the original reason for the condition being imposed was to prevent the garage from being used in a commercial capacity. The residential nature of the property and the garage can be enforced by other means. The reconsideration of this condition must be heard at a publicly noticed meeting.

Allen moved that the Planning Board reconsider the condition of approval for the garage construction at 51 Highland Street that one electric meter will service all buildings on the entire property. Second by Holland.
Discussion of motion – Hamel stated that the plan to build the garage is not a minimal alteration of the property and should be reviewed using a full site plan process. He opposed the original garage construction approval and opposes reconsideration of the condition of approval without a full site plan review.
Motion carried 4-2 with Estabrook and Hamel opposed.

Holland moved that the Planning Board schedule a public hearing on October 28, 2014 to reconsider the condition of approval for garage construction at 51 Highland Street. Second by Allen. Motion carried 4-2 with Estabrook and Hamel opposed.

White suggested that the Planning Board waive the application and noticing fees for the reconsideration hearing.

Holland moved that the Planning Board waive the application and noticing fees for the reconsideration hearing. Second by Allen. Motion carried 4-2 with Estabrook and Hamel opposed.

Doggett arrived at the meeting.

3. Town of Newton, NH review of proposed amendments to the Town of Newton Zoning Ordinance.

Rowden explained that Section XXXVII Personal Wireless Service Facilities (PWSF) of the Town of Newton Zoning Ordinance was no longer in compliance with recent changes to federal and state laws regarding modifications to existing cell towers and co-location of cell tower facilities on an existing building or structure. Rowden presented revisions to the PWSF section to bring the language into compliance with current federal and state laws.

Doggett stepped down from the Planning Board to attend Board of Selectmen meeting.

Hamel moved that the Planning Board put forward revisions to the Personal Wireless Service Facilities Ordinance for inclusion on the 2015 Town Warrant. Second by Holland. Motion carried unanimously.

4. Other Board business.
a. Review of 2015 Planning Board proposed operating budget.
White presented the proposed 2015 Planning Board operating budget expenditures worksheet to the Board. White suggested that the Board present to the Board of Selectmen a 2015 operating budget funded at the same level as the 2014 operating budget.

Milner informed the Board that the RPC dues for 2015 will increase $40.00 for a total of $4,545.00.
Doggett returned to the Board.

Allen moved that the Planning Board present to the Board of Selectmen a 2015 operating budget funded at the same level as the 2014 operating budget with balancing funds moved out of the Telephone line to cover increase in the 2015 RPC dues. Second by Doggett. Motion carried unanimously.

b. Acceptance of minutes.
Doggett moved to accept the minutes of the September 23 meeting. Second by Hamel. Motion carried unanimously.

c. Manifests.
White presented an operating budget manifest to the Board. The invoices reflected payment of telephone and legal bills.
Doggett moved to pay the operating budget manifest in the amount of $187.25. Second by Hamel. Motion carried unanimously.

White presented a NPREA manifest to the Board. The invoice reflected payment to Town Engineer for site visits.
Doggett moved to pay the NPREA manifest in the amount of $432.88. Second by Allen. Motion carried 4-0-2 with Hamel and Holland abstaining.

d. Correspondence.
Milner informed the Board that he has been performing research and providing input to the Recreation Commission Chairman regarding proposals for possible improvements to Greenie Park with the permission of the Planning Board Chairman. Milner requested that the Planning Board as a whole authorize these activities as a function of his job responsibilities in aiding Planning Board review of capital improvement projects.

Hamel moved that the Planning Board authorize the Planning Board Administrative Assistant to perform work connected to future proposals for improvements to Greenie Park as part of the Administrative Assistant’s job responsibilities in aiding the Planning Board review of capital improvement projects. The work performed will not exceed six (6) hours per month. Second by Holland. Motion carried unanimously.

5. Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 8:27 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Rick Milner
Administrative Assistant
Newton Planning Board