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May 10, 2011 Planning Board Minutes
MAY 10, 2011

1. Call to Order: Chairman Jim Doggett called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm.
In attendance were: Chairman Jim Doggett; Vice Chair Barbara White; Planning Board members Frank Gibbs, Ann Miles, and Robert Miller; Alternates Mary Allen, Sandra Estabrook, Charles Melvin, and Chuck Whitman; and Circuit Rider Planner Brian Groth. Minutes were transcribed by Administrative Assistant Rick Milner.

Doggett appointed Whitman to stand in for Vaillant for the evening.

2. Town of Newton, NH public presentation of initial conceptual plans for improved road design of Rowe's Corner intersection.

Mike Vignale of KV Partners, LLC made a presentation to the public of the initial conceptual plans for improved road design of the Rowe's Corner intersection. Two concepts were developed for the intersection:
  • Roundabout and
  • Four way intersection with 2 stop signs (one on Maple Avenue and one on Rt. 108 heading north).
Mr. Vignale stated that the redesigned four way intersection improved traffic flow and increased safety. However, the roundabout configuration was a better option. The consistent traffic volumes from all of the roads and access points at this intersection work nicely with a roundabout design. Roundabouts have historically lower crash volumes than traditional intersections. Also, the crashes that do occur are less severe. Pedestrian safety is also increased in a roundabout design.

Mr. Vignale noted recent conversations with the NHDOT that supported the roundabout configuration. These conversations concerned:
  • Access management from the various roads and properties surrounding Rowe's Corner,
  • Existing and future traffic volumes and traffic safety,
  • Capacity of the roundabout to handle estimated traffic volumes, and
  • Existing surface conditions/grading and needed changes to grading.
Mr. Vignale also noted that the roundabout design would fit within the existing footprint of land currently taken up by the intersection.

Landscape architect Arek Galle presented a conceptual plan for the future vision of the properties located around Rowe's Corner. They showed how the existing footprint of the properties could be converted into small businesses to revitalize the area. Sidewalks and other landscaping would visually define the village district and create safe opportunities for pedestrian foot traffic.

Mr. Galle noted how the plans mirrored the goals and vision of the Planning Board's charrette with the Plan NH organization. The conceptual design maintained the importance of the historic local architecture. There were many open views created to highlight the existing buildings and their unique character.

Doggett asked for comments from the public.

Ron Skovron of 21 Gould's Hill Road addressed the Board. Mr. Skovron made the following comments:
  • The proposed sidewalk on Amesbury Road would have less impact on home owners if it was moved to the side of the road with less developed properties.
  • He inquired about the future signage and speed limits for the roundabout.
  • The roundabout design would help reduce noise by slowing down louder traffic.
Mr. Vignale responded that the proposed sidewalk was designed for the side of Amesbury Road that would most likely be developed in the future as businesses or other types of destinations for pedestrian foot traffic. Mr. Vignale also noted likely signage and speed limit requirements per state and federal regulations.

Mr. Skovron also inquired about the nature of the landscaping around the wetlands located on the corner between Rt. 108 and Gould's Hill Road.

Mr. Galle responded that the project would address all landscaping issues, including preserving healthy, older trees and replacing unhealthy trees.

Jane Labell of 38 North Main Street addressed the Board. Ms. Labell made the following comments:
  • The septic system and leach field on her property was located very close to the road. She was concerned that construction of the roundabout would negatively impact the septic system.
  • She expressed concern that a driveway from a building on the property with access onto Rt. 108 may be eliminated.
  • She expressed concern that the material used to construct the apron of the roundabout may make more noise as trucks passed over it.
  • She expressed concern that she may lose some land area from the proposed changes included in the conceptual design.
  • She inquired as to who will be held responsible for the maintenance of the sidewalks proposed in the plan.
Mr. Vignale responded that some property impacts are possible, but difficult to predict at this time. More detailed surveys will need to be done in the future to obtain specific answers to Ms. Labell's inquiries. Also, there are many options to explore to arrive at an acceptable type of roundabout apron construction. Regarding sidewalk maintenance, Mr. Vignale noted that the NHDOT would not provide sidewalk maintenance. The responsibility of sidewalk maintenance would need to be discussed at a point closer to the implementation of the project.

Doggett stated that this conceptual design is an attempt to create a plan that the NHDOT will approve to be added to its 10 year plan for road improvements. This project will be built by the NHDOT with state funds. The implementation of this project will not occur immediately, but in the distant future. No aspect of this concept is set in concrete now. All aspects are open to negotiation with the NHDOT in the future.
Girish Patel of 1 Pond Street addressed the Board. He expressed concern that the proposed elimination of parking spaces in front of the Rowe's Corner market along Rt. 108 would negatively impact his business.

Mr. Vignale explained that the NHDOT mandates certain access management designs along state roads to improve traffic safety. It may be possible to revisit the issue with the NHDOT in the future to find possible solutions for parking at the market.

Mr. Skovron asked about the time line connected with the submission of this concept to the NHDOT.

Doggett explained that the conceptual plan will be finalized at the first public meeting in June. The Board will then vote to approve the plan for submission to the NHDOT at the second meeting in June. The NHDOT will subsequently hold public meetings to approve the plan for addition to its 10 year plan for road improvements.

State Representative Mary Allen explained that implementation of this plan will take a minimum of ten years. In the mean time, residents must keep the NHDOT aware of the need to implement this project to improve traffic safety in the area.

State Senator Russell Prescott addressed the Board to note that he will work with Representative Allen to help with this project at the state level. He wanted the residents of Newton to know that he was available to provide any assistance with this project or other issues.

Chris George of 1 Amesbury Road addressed the Board. He stated that there have been recent efforts to decrease the amount of traffic using Gould's Hill Road. He expressed concern that the addition of a roundabout may increase the amount of traffic on Gould's Hill Road by drivers trying to avoid the roundabout. He inquired if there was any consideration given to possible solutions to decrease the likelihood of increased traffic on Gould's Hill Road.

Mr. Vignale responded that the entrance to Gould's Hill Road off of Amesbury Road has been narrowed to a more traditional 'T' design in the conceptual plan. Possible future traffic scenarios regarding Gould's Hill Road can be examined with the NHDOT during future planning discussions.

Mr. Galle noted that history has shown that transportation improvement projects are a catalyst for positive economic development. Various aspects of the conceptual plan may add value to the properties in the area in the long term.

5. Other board business.

a. Site Walk at 5 Crane Crossing Road

Doggett stated that the Board had conducted a site walk earlier in the evening at 5 Crane Crossing Road in connection with a preliminary consultation regarding approved land uses in the Village District zone.

Groth explained that there was a court order in place regarding the property. In order to avoid contradicting any court mandate, he suggested that the Board should not proceed on any matter regarding this property until the details of the court order are more readily understood.

Milner noted that the court order was in reference to an active code enforcement case for violations of the Town of Newton Zoning Ordinance.

Gibbs stated that the Board should not take any further action regarding this property. The Board of Selectmen should deal with the matter.

Miles wanted on record her personal observation that she was appalled by the condition of the property.

White moved that the Planning Board request a memo from the Board of Selectmen detailing a current status update regarding the code enforcement action connected to the Superior Court order for 5 Crane Crossing Road. Second by Miller. Motion carried unanimously.

Doggett stated that the Board will take no action regarding 5 Crane Crossing Road until notified by the Board of Selectmen that the matter has been resolved to their satisfaction.

b. Acceptance of minutes

Gibbs moved to accept the minutes of the April 26 meeting. Second by Whitman. Motion carried unanimously.

c. Manifests

Doggett presented the operating budget manifest to the Board. The invoices reflected payment of telephone bill and LGC publication order.

Gibbs moved to pay the operating budget manifest amount of $88.78. Second by White. Motion carried unanimously.

Doggett presented the NPREA manifest to the Board. The invoice reflected payment to KV Partners for construction observation of Puzzle Lane Lot 27-4 Phase I project.

White moved to pay the NPREA manifest amount of $392.24. Second by Gibbs.

Discussion of motion – Miller asked for clarification regarding the nature of a NPREA bill. Doggett explained that the NPREA account was an escrow account paid into by developers to guarantee payment to expert vendors who perform work for the town.

Motion carried unanimously.

d. Incoming Correspondence

Doggett presented information regarding the annual RPC meeting.

Miles noted that the Town of Newton Historical Society is interested in helping the Planning Board develop an improved historical chapter to be added to the Master Plan.

Melvin asked for information regarding the road bond for Puzzle Lane.

Milner explained the language included in the bonds for the Puzzle Lane project.

Gibbs stated that the town should have a bond in place for all sections of Puzzle Lane. If some parts of Puzzle Lane are not bonded, then bonds need to be added.

Doggett suggested that the Board conduct further research to clarify the matter.

6. Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 9:01 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Rick Milner
Administrative Assistant
Newton Planning Board