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April 12, 2011 Planning Board Minutes
APRIL 12, 2011

1. Call to Order: Chairman Jim Doggett called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. In attendance were: Chairman Jim Doggett; Vice Chair Barbara White; Planning Board members Frank Gibbs, Ann Miles, and Robert Miller; BOS ex-officio Trisha McCarthy; Alternate Mary Allen; and Circuit Rider Planner Brian Groth. Minutes were transcribed by Administrative Assistant Rick Milner.

Doggett appointed Allen to stand in for Vaillant.

Doggett explained that the previous meeting's motion to recommend to the Board of Selectmen appointments of alternate members was not necessary. The Planning Board was able to appoint its own alternate members without the Selectmen's approval. He asked for a motion to appoint the alternate members.

Allen moved to appoint Sandra Estabrook and Charles Melvin as alternate members of the Planning Board. Second by White. Motion carried unanimously.

2. Town of Newton, NH review of village district road design study existing conditions and process to complete future tasks.

Mike Vignale of KV Partners, LLC made a presentation to the board regarding the existing conditions of the roads at the Rowe's Corner intersection. The report is the first step for determining the feasibility of constructing a roundabout to improve traffic safety and provide infrastructure for a future village district. Mr. Vignale's presentation included the following items:
  • Data collection of existing traffic volumes. Peak traffic volume occurred in southerly direction between 7:15 am and 8:15 am and northerly direction between 4:30 pm and 5:30 pm.
  • The market on the corner of Rt. 108 and Pond Street had a significant amount of traffic activity. The wide open space between the market parking lot and the roads created a dangerous traffic safety environment.
  • Analysis of future traffic volumes out to 2025 showed that either a roundabout or stop sign configuration will work to improve traffic patterns and safety. The roundabout was the better of the two options.
  • Analysis of changes in elevation at the intersection and necessary grading during future construction completed.
  • GIS mapping of the area completed.
Mr. Vignale asked the board for guidance on what steps in the design process he should next complete.

Doggett asked Circuit Rider Planner Brian Groth to address the timeline for the project since the road design study was a project contracted to the RPC.

Groth noted that there was an established conceptual schedule for the project. He stated that the project was still on track with this schedule. The next step in the process entailed the consulting engineer having conversations with abutters in the neighborhood regarding the proposed concepts for area improvements. The Planning Board should also hold public meetings to obtain input from town residents. The consulting engineer should have concepts developed prior to the meetings to give residents a basis for their comments.

Mr. Vignale stated that he could have conceptual plans developed in two weeks.

Doggett suggested that the Board schedule a session to present the concepts and obtain public input at its May 10, 2011 public meeting.

3. Town of Newton, NH review of Town Engineer's scope of services for construction oversight of Puzzle Lane Lot 27-4 Phase I project.

Doggett presented to the Board the Town Engineer's construction oversight proposal including an estimated cost of $2400.00. Doggett also presented a letter from Coleman McDonough indicating his acceptance of the Town of Newton's construction oversight of the Lot 27-4 Phase I project.

Allen moved that the Board authorize the chairman to sign the Town Engineer's construction oversight proposal. Second by Gibbs.

Discussion of motion – Miles asked at what point such proposals go out to bid. McCarthy responded that $3500.00 was the benchmark for beginning a bidding process. McCarthy asked the Town Engineer to keep the Conservation Commission informed about surface conditions and the progress of construction throughout the process.

Motion carried unanimously.

Doggett brought to the Board's attention that the conditional approval for the Lot 27-4 Phase I project included a condition stating that the final mylar copy for recording should have all professional stamps affixed. Currently, the mylar had one professional stamp affixed. The final hard copy of the entire plan set had all of the professional stamps affixed. Doggett asked the Board if it would accept the plans as presented.

White suggested revising the Board's condition regarding the professional stamps.

Allen moved to revise the Board's condition regarding the professional stamps on the mylar for the Puzzle Lane Lot 27-4 Phase I project. The mylar may be recorded with only the licensed land surveyor stamp affixed. All professional stamps must be on the final hard copy of the original plan set. Second by Gibbs. Motion carried 6-0-1 with Miller abstaining.

Allen moved to grant final approval for the Puzzle Lane Lot 27-4 Phase I project since all of the conditions of the conditional approval have been met. Second by White. Motion carried 6-0-1 with Miller abstaining.  

4. Town of Newton, NH review of cell tower removal bond.

Doggett explained that the Planning Board was required to review the adequacy of the bond amount held for the removal of the cell tower located behind 85 South Main Street every three years. The bond amount is currently $6795.62. Doggett presented the Town Engineer's report that recommended increasing the bond amount to $16,500.00.

Town Engineer Mike Vignale stated that he based his recommendation on research of similar bonds established by other area towns over the past few years and conversations with a contractor experienced with cell tower work.

White moved to recommend to the Board of Selectmen that the amount of the bond for the removal of the cell tower located behind 85 South Main Street be increased to $16,500.00. Second by Allen. Motion carried unanimously.

5. Town of Newton, NH preliminary consultation and pre-application review of proposed changes in land use.

a. Keith Hart – 5 Crane Crossing Road. Permitted uses in Village District Zone.
Mr. Hart did not appear for the meeting. The matter was set aside for discussion at a later date.

6. Charles and Kathleen Marden of Groveland, FL request for extension of conditional approval for 8-lot subdivision on Heath Street.

Doggett presented to the Board a letter from Dennis Quintal, consulting engineer for the project, requesting a six month extension of the conditional approval for the Marden Meadows project.

White asked for an explanation of the reasons for the request.

Milner explained that the state permitting process for the project will not be complete before the deadline of the conditional approval.

White moved to grant a six month extension of the conditional approval for the Marden Meadows project on Heath Street. Second by Miller. Motion carried unanimously.
7. Other board business.

a. Review of 2011 Zoning Ordinance
Milner explained his work revising Newton's zoning ordinance necessitated by the adoption of the Village District Zone at the most recent town election. Tasks accomplished included:
  • inclusion of Village District Zone language,
  • research of all town reports since 1973 introduction of zoning to annotate changes in zoning ordinance by year,
  • reorganization of sections and section numbers to provide more logical sequence of ordinances and,
  • copies made of all town warrants and town votes since 1973 regarding zoning ordinances for inclusion in newly created zoning reference manual.
b. Appointment of RPC Commissioner
Doggett informed the Board that the appointment of Mary Allen as one of Newton's RPC Commissioners was due to expire. He asked the board for nomination suggestions.

Allen offered to step down and make the position available to other members. She asked Miller if he would be interested in taking the position. Miller expressed interest in the position.

White moved to recommend to the Board of Selectmen that they appoint Planning Board member Robert Miller as one of the town's RPC Commissioners. Second by Gibbs. Motion carried unanimously.

c. Acceptance of minutes
White moved to accept the minutes of the February 22 and March 22 meetings. Second by Allen. Motion carried unanimously.

d. Manifest
Doggett presented the operating budget manifest to the board. The invoice reflected payment of telephone bill.

Gibbs moved to pay the operating budget manifest amount of $54.97. Second by White. Motion carried unanimously.

d. Appointment of alternate member
Doggett informed the Board that four Newton residents had expressed interest in the available alternate member position. He suggested that the Board enter a nonpublic session to discuss the position.

McCarthy moved to go into Nonpublic Session under RSA 91-A:3 II (b) at 8:27 pm. Second by White. Vote: Allen – yes, Miller – yes, McCarthy – yes, White – yes, Doggett – yes, Gibbs – yes, Miles – yes. Vote: Unanimous.

Doggett moved to close the Nonpublic Session at 8:55 pm. Second by White. Per unanimous roll call vote, the minutes of the meeting will remain confidential until in the opinion of the majority of the members, the circumstances no longer apply.

White moved to appoint Charles Whitman as an alternate member of the Planning Board. Second by Allen. Motion carried 6-0-1 with Miller abstaining.

e. Reference library
White explained that the Local Government Center develops municipal law lecture series publications every year. She believes that the Board should purchase these publications. They are a valuable resource for educating new board members and discovering changes in the law. The 2010 series consists of three publications with a total cost of $30.00.

White moved to authorize the Board to expend $30.00 from the operating budget to purchase the LGC 2010 series of law publications. Second by Allen. Motion carried unanimously.

8. Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 8:58 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Rick Milner
Administrative Assistant
Newton Planning Board