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January 13, 2009 Planning Board Minutes
Newton Planning Board
Minutes of public hearing and meeting
JANUARY 13, 2009

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Planning Board Minutes of January 13, 2009 Public Hearing & Meeting
All minutes are in draft form until approved by the Planning Board. Please check subsequent minutes for approval of and/or amendments to these minutes.

1. Call to Order
Chairperson Miles called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM. In attendance were: Chairperson Ann Miles; Vice Chairman Jim Doggett; Alternate Fred Gundersen; and Selectmen's Liaison, Ray Thayer. Minutes were transcribed and typed by Administrative Assistant, Lisa Babcock.

Also in attendance: David West, Circuit Rider Planner. Miles appointed Gundersen to stand in for Pettit.

2. Steven Ciambelli requests a Public Hearing to discuss bonding and/or revocation of the Katherine Drive Subdivision. The property is referenced as Tax Map 6, Block 9, Lot 9 and is located on Whittier Street.

Miles opened the public hearing for discussion regarding the Katherine Drive Subdivision. She then informed the Board that Mr. Ciambelli had requested a continuance.

Doggett moved to continue the public hearing for discussion regarding the Katherine Drive subdivision to the January 27th work session. Second by Thayer. Motion carried unanimously.

Miles noted that a complaint had been received from Anders Ragnarsson, president of CBI which is located across the street from the subdivision.  The complaint was received on 1/12/09 and states that there has been increased water run-off on the CBI property. Mr. Ragnarsson (who was not in attendance) attributes these problems to the clearing of the land at Katherine Drive.

Nancy Slombo, abutter and Conservation Commission representative, arrived at 7:08 pm.  Ms. Slombo stated that she believes the excess run-off is due to the Katherine Drive subdivision. She said the area near the cemetery is flooded.

Miles suggested that the Planning Board contact the town engineer to review the site and the drainage calculations.  She also stated that the Katherine Drive subdivision needs to be stabilized and if the subdivision is revoked, the site will have to be restored.

Ms. Slombo also stated that the Conservation Commission has two additional concerns regarding the Katherine Drive subdivision.  There is a stake on the far corner that is too close to the Peanut Trail.  Also, the developer's engineer had stated that there is a culvert under the Peanut Trail to drain water off the wetlands.  Ms. Slombo said there is no culvert and the Conservation Commission is concerned that the Peanut Trail will be flooded due to clearing of the subdivision.  She also stated that in her opinion, adding a culvert under the peanut trail is not an appropriate solution to these drainage issues.

Miles requested that the Conservation Commission put these concerns in writing.

3. Joseph Ferrandi request for Town acceptance of Patriot Drive.

Mr. Ferrandi was in attendance to update the Board on the progress of Patriot Drive.  He said his lawyer and the town's lawyer are working together on preparing the road deed.  

Mr. Ferrandi said he has contacted the town's engineer to make a final review. He also said that the monumentation is in place and the as-built plan is done.

The Board will continue discussion at the January work session.

3. Acceptance of Minutes.

Doggett moved to accept the minutes of the December 30, 2008 public hearing for zoning ordinances. Second by Gundersen. Motion carried unanimously.

4. Manifests.

Doggett moved to authorize the Chair to sign the NPREA manifest, dated 1/13/09, in the amount $9.00. Second by Gundersen. Motion carried unanimously.

Doggett moved to authorize the Chair to sign the Operating Budget manifest, dated 1/13/09, in the amount $171.29. Second by Thayer. Motion carried unanimously.

5. 2009 Schedule

Doggett moved to accept the 2009 schedule. Second by Gundersen.  Discussion: West suggested changing the 12/22/09 work session to 12/15/09.  Motion carried unanimously as amended.

6. Other Board Business:
a.      Memo to BOS re: Sargent Woods plowing 1/5/09. The Board reviewed an outgoing memo to the BOS regarding plowing at Sargent Woods. Miles suggested that the Selectmen contact the Hampstead Area Water Company to see if there have been any changes in the water franchise.
b.      RPC Map of water bodies re: Shoreland Protection Act. The Board reviewed the map provided by RPC and asked the secretary to see if some of the unmarked streams have names and also to purchase a frame for the map.
c.      Plan NH – the Board reviewed a letter from Plan NH re: Design Assistance.  Miles requested that West fill out the application. Doggett said the town could use the assistance to look into village centers and develop the model to be used.  Miles suggested that the assistance be used for help in rezoning.

Miles also suggested that the secretary contact towns that have worked with Plan NH and ask about their experiences with the program.

West will fill out the application for discussion at the work session.

7. Town of Newton, Zoning Ordinances for Town Warrant.
The Board reviewed a letter from town attorney, Sumner Kalman dated 1/5/09.  In the letter Atty. Kalman suggests removing the proposed change to the Cluster Subdivision ordinance since the language was not available prior to 12/20.

The Board reviewed the draft list of ordinances for the warrant.  West suggested changing the "Planning Board Does Recommend" to the "Planning Board Recommends" on all sections.   

Doggett said the comment "The Planning Board Prefers Option # 1 As Listed Above" needs to be enclosed in parenthesis, not bolded and in a font 2-points smaller than the other print.

Doggett suggested that the language for the NFIP ordinance be submitted to Atty. Kalman for review.  

The Board also changed the order of the articles.

Doggett moved to submit the warrant articles after incorporating the above changes to the Board of Selectmen for inclusion in the Town Warrant.  Second by Gundersen. Motion carried unanimously.

8. TBG update – West will bring a map and zoning language for discussion at the work session.

Planning Board Member Kim Vaillant arrived at 8:10 pm.

9. Telephone Poles – Smith Corner Road: Vaillant informed the board that some work had been done to telephone poles on Smith Corner Road but that the work was unfinished.  She also was concerned that the Sargent Woods property had not been plowed.  Thayer said he would bring up the issue of the telephone poles and plowing at Wednesday's Selectmen's meeting.

10. Adjourn: Doggett moved to adjourn at 8:20 pm. Second by Gundersen. Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lisa Babcock
Administrative Assistant
Newton Planning Board