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December 27, 2007 Planning Board Minutes
Newton Planning Board
Minutes of 1st public hearing for
Adoption or amendment of zoning ordinance
DECEMBER 27, 2007

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Planning Board Minutes of December 27, 2007 Public Hearing for Zoning
1. Call to Order
Vice Chairman Miles called the meeting to order at 7:42 PM. In attendance were: Vice Chairman, Ann Miles; Planning Board Members, Jim Doggett and Rich LeClaire; alternate, Gary Nelson; and Administrative Assistant, Lisa Babcock. Minutes were transcribed and typed by Lisa Babcock.

2. Citizen’s Petition to amend the Elderly Housing Ordinance:

Motion by Miles to open the public hearing for the proposed amendment to the Elderly Housing Ordinance.  Second by LeClaire. Motion carried unanimously.

The proposed amendment calls for eliminating the limit on the number of allowable elderly housing units.  Mr. Estey addressed the board. He stated that he would rather see open space, 55 and over, cluster developments in the town.  This would generate revenue for the town without adding roads to maintain and adding more children to the school system.  Mr. Estey said that he sees no reason for the imposed quota on elderly housing units.  

Motion by LeClaire to close the public hearing. Second by Miles. Motion carried unanimously.

3. Citizen’s Petition to change zoning of a parcel:

Motion by Miles to open the public hearing for the proposed amendment to change the zoning of parcel noted as map 6, lot 5.  Second by Doggett. Motion carried unanimously.

The proposed amendment requests a change in zoning from residential to commercial. Mr. Hart addressed the board.  He said that he wanted to have his lot changed to a commercial zone so that he could continue to park trucks and equipment on his property.  He explained that this is a one person operation.  He also stated that he has not experienced any resistance from his neighbors.   

The board noted that this seemed like “spot-zoning”.  Mr. Hart disagreed stating that one of the properties abutting his is also commercial.  

Nelson asked what type of business Mr. Hart runs.  Mr. Hart replied that it is a trucking business. LeClaire asked what the size of the lot is.  Mr. Hart replied that it is approximately 1.15 acres.

Doggett moved to close the public hearing. Second by Miles. Motion carried unanimously.

4. Proposed adoption of building codes and hot water code:

LeClaire moved to open the public hearing on the adoption of building codes.  Second by Miles. Motion carried unanimously.

This amendment was proposed by Ron Lemere, Chief Building Official.  There was discussion among the members of the Board that the adoption of the codes would be redundant.  LeClaire stated that these codes were already in the zoning ordinances but there seemed to be slight changes in language.

Doggett moved to close the public hearing.  Second by LeClaire. Motion carried unanimously.

5. Proposed amendment to the General Provisions Ordinance (XVIII):

Doggett motion to open the public hearing on the proposed amendments to zoning ordinance XVIII.  Second by LeClaire. Motion carried unanimously.

This amendment was proposed by Pettit and calls for changes in the ordinance regarding junkyards.  Nelson stated that the language changes in this proposal were probably suggested by legal counsel stemming from litigation concerning junkyards.  There was some question among board members as to why a reference to RSA 236:91 was being struck from the ordinance.

Doggett pointed out that striking out “motor vehicle…intended for legal use on the highways” in paragraph 4 would open the ordinance to cover all types of vehicles including boats and snowmobiles, not just cars.

6. Manifest:

Motion by Doggett with second by Miles to pay the operating budget manifest dated 12/27/07 in the amount of $375 after striking the bill from S. Maddock. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Doggett with second by Miles to pay the NPREA manifest dated 12/27/07 in the amount $4,323,42.  Motion carried unanimously.

7. Adjorn:
Motion to adjourn at 8:30 PM by Miles, second by Doggett, passed unanimously.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lisa Babcock
Administrative Assistant
Newton Planning Board