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November 10, 2015 Planning Board Agenda
NOVEMBER 10, 2015

Notice is hereby given that the Newton Planning Board will conduct a Work Session on Tuesday, November 10, 2015 beginning at 7:00 pm at the Newton Town Hall.  The following items will be discussed:

1.      125 Development NH Corp request to review performance guarantee connected to Puzzle Lane roadway construction.

2.      Town of Newton, NH review of proposal and cost estimates to develop Capital Improvements Plan.

3.      Town of Newton, NH review of proposed 2016 Planning Board operating expenses budget.

4.      Other Board Business and Correspondence
        a.      Review of 2015-2016 zoning ordinance amendment schedule
        b.      Review of 2016 meeting calendar
        c.      Acceptance of minutes from 10/13/15 meeting
d.      Manifests
e.      Correspondence
f.      Review of Administrative Assistant 2015 performance evaluation
        Non-public session per RSA 91-A:3.II.a
       5.      Adjourn 

Roger G. Hamel, Chairman
Newton Planning Board