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July 28, 2009 Planning Board Agenda
JULY 28, 2009

Notice is hereby given that the Newton Planning Board will conduct a Work Session and a Public Hearing on Tuesday, July 28, 2009 beginning at 7:00 pm in the Planning Board office at the Newton Town Hall.  The following items will be discussed:

  • 7:00 PM Town of Newton, NH continuation of a public hearing for proposed amendments to the Subdivision Regulations, Site Plan Review Regulations and the Policies and Procedures Manual regarding fees.
  • Other Board Business
  • Acceptance of Minutes from 7/14/09 meeting
NH Economic Revitalization Zone Program (N. Wrigley would like to meet with Ann Miles to discuss this)
RPC Technical Advisory Committee designee
Safe Roads to School Committee
Credit Card Purchase Policy  
  • Plan NH – secretary will meet with B. Cote and C. Whitman 7/30 at 5:00 pm to develop advertising plan
  • Incoming correspondence
  • Minutes of BOA meeting 7/21/09
  • E-mail from Nancy Wrigley re: Puzzle Lane Cease & Desist 7/21/09
  • Memo from BOS re: Sargent Woods invoices 7/8/09
  • Budget Expenditures through 6/30/09
  • Letter from BOS to SEC & Assoc. re: street lights at Storey Lane/Kenwood Drive 7/22/09
  • Letter from BOS to J. Enaire re: application fee 7/22/09
3. Adjourn

The Public is Encouraged to Attend

Ann Miles, Chairperson  
Newton Planning Board