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May 13, 2008 Planning Board Agenda
MAY 13, 2008

Pursuant to NH RSA 676:4, I (d), notice is hereby given of a PUBLIC MEETING to be held by the Newton Planning Board on Tuesday, May 13, 2008 beginning at 7:00 pm at the Newton Town Hall. The following items will be heard:

1.      7:00 PM Sandra Nierman: Request for a pre-application conceptual review of a proposed pavilion at Country Pond Campground located at 106 Pond Street. The property is referenced as Tax Map 4, Block 2, Lot 3. This is a non-binding, general discussion of the proposal.

2.      7:15 PM Marley Builders: Continuation of public hearing to consider the request for a two-phase, 5-lot subdivision on Whittier Street. The property is referenced as Tax Map 6, Block 9, Lot 9.

3.      Other Board Business and Correspondence
a.      Fred Gundersen – bond reduction request
b.      Dave Storey – reduce old Bank North bond to $0, new bond has been established at River Bank (Storey Lane/Kenwood Drive)
c.      CBI – update
d.      The Board will discuss and prioritize possible changes to ordinances and regulations
e.      Rockingham MPO Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) representative
f.      Discussion of 3/27/08 DTC invoice re: McDonough
g.      Acceptance of Minutes from 4/22/08 Work Session
h.      Manifests
i.      Correspondence
i.      4/17/08 Letter from Sumner Kalman re: Hampstead Area Water Co.
ii.     4/21/08 Letter from Newton Fire Dept. re: 2 Puzzle Lane
iii.    4/21/08 Memo from KV Partners re: Puzzle Lane Constr. Observation
iv.     4/23/08 Memo from BOS re: default budgets
v.      4/28/08 Memo from KV Partners re: Sargent Woods site visit
vi.     4/29/08 Complaint form from COE re: 2 West Main Street
vii.    5/2/08 Memo from N. Wrigley re: Water District Article
viii.   5/5/08 Letter from BOS to Hebb re: Twombly Drive
ix.     5/6/08 E-mail from DTC re: Certified Record Request
j.      Upcoming seminars & workshops:
i.      Managing Stormwater with Low Impact Development, June 12
ii.     NH LGC 67th Annual Conference Nov 12-14

The public is encouraged to attend.

Ann Miles, Chairman
Newton Planning Board