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April 8, 2008 Planning Board Agenda
APRIL 8, 2008

Pursuant to NH RSA 676:4, I (d), notice is hereby given of a PUBLIC HEARING to be held by the Newton Planning Board on Tuesday April 8, 2008 beginning at 7:00 pm at the Newton Town Hall. The following items will be heard:

1.      7:00 Hampstead Area Water Company: HAWC will attend to discuss their proposed water franchise plan for the Sargent Woods property.

2.      7:30 PM Marley Builders: Continuation of public hearing to consider the request for a two-phase, 5-lot subdivision on Whittier Street. The property is referenced as Tax Map 6, Block 9, Lot 9.

3.      7:45 Continental Biomass Industries, Inc.: Public hearing to consider the request for a major non-residential site plan and lot-line adjustment at 22 Whittier Street. The properties referenced are: Tax Map 6, Block 13, Lot 2, Tax Map 6, Block 13, Lot 3 and Tax Map 6, Block 12, Lot 3.

4.      Other Board Business and Correspondence
a.      Rockingham MPO Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) representative
b.      Acceptance of Minutes from 3/25/08 Work Session
c.      Manifests
d.      AA review
e.      Correspondence
i.      Upcoming seminars & publications.

The public is encouraged to attend.

Ann Miles, Chairman
Newton Planning Board