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February 12, 2008 Planning Board Agenda
FEBRUARY 12, 2008

Pursuant to NH RSA 676:4, I (d), notice is hereby given of a PUBLIC HEARING to be held by the Newton Planning Board on February 12, 2008 beginning at 7:00 pm at the Newton Town Hall. The following items will be heard:

1.      7:00 PM Marley Builders: Continuation of public hearing to consider the request for a two-phase, 5-lot subdivision on Whittier Street. The property is referenced as Tax Map 6, Block 9, Lot 9.

2.      7:15 PM 125 Development NH Corp. and Maplevale Builders, LLC: Continuation of public hearing for consideration of a lot line adjustment between two lots at Puzzle Lane and Walnut Farm Road referenced as 14-1-27-4 and 13-3-8-6.

3.      7:30 PM 125 Development NH Corp: request of Coleman McDonough for the Board to review proposed tenants for the building at Puzzle Lane. The property is referenced as 14-1-27-1.

4.      7:45 PM CBI: request for a preliminary consultation for a proposed site plan for 22 Whittier Street.  The property is referenced as MBL 6-13-2.

5.      8:00 PM Newton Planning Board: Public hearing for the review and adoption of the Land Use Chapter of the Master Plan.

6.      Correspondence and Other Board Business
a.      Correspondence
i.      Letter from Marshall Law Office, dated 1/25/08 re: Walnut Farm Subdivision
ii.     Letter from DES, dated 1/30/08 re: Walnut Farm Alteration of Terrain Permit
iii.    Letter from DES, received 1/31/08 re: Walnut Farm Wetlands and Non-Site Specific Permit
iv.     Letter from DES, received 2/4/08 re: 2 West Main Approval for Construction
v.      Letter from DES, dated 1/29/08 re: Puzzle Lane Restoration Plan Approval
vi.     Letter from Hampstead Area Water Co re: Sargent Woods
vii.    Water Rights Deed and Easement, received 2/7/08
viii.   BOA Rehearing Notice re: Whispering Pines Campground
b.      Certificate of Occupancy – Arubacat, 6 Puzzle Lane
c.      Discuss computer services invoice from Sylvania Maddock
d.      Acceptance of Minutes from 1/29/08
e.      Manifests

The public is encouraged to attend.

Kimberly Pettit
Chairman, Newton Planning Board