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December 9, 2015 Trustees of the Gale Library Minutes
DATE: Wednesday, December 9, 2015
TIME: 10:00am
LOCATION: Gale Library, 16 S Main Street

  • Call to Order: 10:10 A.M.
  • In Attendance: Lynne Camp, Chairperson; Kathy Meserve, Treasurer; Anne Banks, secretary; Terry Caswell, Director. Jeanne Maggio attended as a guest.
  • Minutes from the Trustees’ Meeting held on 11/12/2015: Kathy motioned to accept the minutes as written. Lynne seconded. Minutes accepted unanimously.
  • Correspondence and Communications: Terry received a letter from Nancy Wrigley informing all departments that any warrant articles to be placed on the 2016 town warrant should be submitted to the town office as soon as possible. We will be voting on doing so later in this meeting.
  • Library Director’s Report: Kathy asked what Lauri had thought about the Youth Services training she attended, and if it was part of the Para Librarian program. Terry said that it was, and that Lauri felt this training was more targeted to administrators. Kathy also asked Terry for more details of Newton Fire Chief Alcaidinho’s visit to the library. Terry had asked the Chief to take a look at the work we had done on the second floor fire escape. He asked to have copies of the paperwork from the structural engineer and the town building inspector, which Terry subsequently provided. The Chief was mainly concerned with 2 issues: testing of the fire alarms and emergency lighting, and posting of maximum occupancy on both the first and second floors. Chief Alcaidinho was going to follow up with Ron Lemere on the occupancy of the floors, but Terry has not heard anything further. Terry will speak to Atkinson Electric about the emergency lighting the next time they come out to do some work in the library, planned for January. Terry also reported that DES is coming to the library at 8:30 AM on December 22nd to take water samples. This is being done by the state because we are in an area potentially affected by gasoline contamination. This testing will be paid for by the state out of settlement money. Anne asked how many attendees there were at the Holiday Concert featuring Deborrah Wyndham. Terry reported 13 people attended. Kathy motioned to accept the Director’s report as written. Anne seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
  • Treasurer’s report: Anne motioned to accept the Treasurer’s report as written. Lynne seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
  • Unfinished Business:
  • Board of Trustees’ Bylaws: The Trustees had some discussion and comparison of a few other libraries’ bylaws. It was decided to continue reviewing other examples of the bylaws to see what categories we feel are needed here at the Gale library and which just are not needed. This topic will be continued at the next meeting.
  • Open Alternate Trustee Positions – We were pleased to have Jeanne Maggio at our meeting as a guest. Jeanne indicated she would like to attend a few more meetings and may consider becoming an alternate at some point in the future. We all thanked her for her interest.
  • Parental Permission for Criminal Background Check forms for new employees: Terry looked at adding the consent for background check to the existing consent form we have for general consent for minors. She reconsidered the idea after realizing the form is from the state of NH. Instead she suggested we make a new form just covering the Criminal Background Check for minors. We discussed the wording of the form, and decided to make it a ’notification’ of the parent that such a check is being performed on their child, since it is a state requirement that we do the check. Terry will bring the form for our approval at the next Trustees’ meeting.
  • New Business:
  • Budget Hearing Review: the selectmen approved our 2016 budget.
  • Encumbered Funds: We have $2326.12 remaining of our money from the town for 2015. We will return approximately $1300.00 to the town for our final payroll of the year. We won’t know the exact amount until the payroll is submitted later this month. We will encumber the funds remaining in order to pay our operating expenses for the rest of 2015. Kathy moved we encumber the funds as designated above. Lynne seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
  • Warrant Article: Kathy proposed that we submit a section of the state RSA 202 as a warrant article for the 2016 town warrant to enable the Trustees to accept donations of personal property other than money. That this was not done previously was an oversight. This action has no tax consequences.  Kathy sent the following proposed warrant article to Terry Knowles at the Department of Justice in Concord to get her approval:
  • “Shall the Town accept the provision of RSA 202-A:4-d providing that any town at an annual meeting may adopt an article authorizing indefinitely, until specific rescission of such authority, the public library trustees to accept gifts of personal property, other than money, which may be offered to the library for any public purpose.”
  • Terry Knowles responded that the wording of the proposed article has her approval. Kathy moved that we submit the proposed warrant article as shown above to the town for inclusion on the 2016 Town warrant. Anne seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
  • Annual Town Report Review: Several minor corrections were suggested by the Trustees in the interest of clarity or completeness. Terry will make the suggested changes for our approval at the next Trustees’ meeting.
  • Acceptance of Donations – Patrons – $1.10; Books – Public, Decorative Milk Bottle – J. Hahn.: Lynne moved to accept $1.10 from patrons, books from the public, and the decorative milk bottle from J. Hahn. Anne seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
  • Friends’ News: They will have bake sales at both the February and the March elections. They have put together 59 Silent Auction baskets, which will be raffled off on Friday, December 18th at 1:00 PM.
  • Monthly invoice Review and Initialing: Review and initialing of invoices was done at this meeting.
  • Next Trustee Meeting: Wednesday, January 13, 2016 at 10:00 am.
  • Meeting adjourned at 11:55 am.
Respectfully submitted,

Anne D. Banks