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October 14, 2015 Trustees of the Gale Library Minutes
DATE: Wednesday, October 14, 2015
TIME: 10:00am
LOCATION: Gale Library, 16 S Main Street

  • Call to Order: 10:10 A.M.
  • In Attendance: Lynne Camp, Chairperson; Kathy Meserve, Treasurer, Anne Banks, secretary; Terry Caswell, Director.
  • Minutes from the Previous Meeting (09/09/2015): Lynne motioned to accept the minutes as written. Kathy seconded. Minutes accepted unanimously.
  • Correspondence and Communications: Terry acquired for us, through the ALA, The Successful Library Trustee Handbook. She will keep it on the shelf in case we want to refer to it.
  • Library Director’s Report: Anne asked how the Newton Town Day went. Terry will report on that in her October Director’s report, but could tell us that there was not a large turnout in general due to the cold weather. Julie, Terry, Lynne, and Laurie were there at the library display table and had about 60 people stop at the library table. Lynne asked for clarification as to which units needed recharging that Terry referred to in her report. Terry explained it was the fire extinguishers. Kathy motioned to accept the Director’s report as written. Anne seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
  • Treasurer’s report: We are on schedule to cover the budgeted expenses with our balance on hand. We all commended Terry on her good management of funds. Lynne motioned to accept the Treasurer’s report as written. Anne seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
  • Non-Public Session: Specific Statutory Reason cited as foundation for the nonpublic session:
  •         RSA 91-A:3, II (a) The dismissal, promotion, or compensation of any public employee or the disciplining of such employee, or the investigation of any charges against him or her, unless the employee affected (1) has a right to a public meeting, and (2) requests that the meeting be open, in which case the request shall be granted.
  •         RSA 91-A:3, II (c) Matters which, if discussed in public, would likely affect adversely the reputation of any person, other than a member of this board, unless such person requests an open meeting. This exemption shall extend to include any application for assistance or tax abatement of waiver of a fee, fine or other levy, if based on inability to pay or poverty of the applicant.
  • Lynne motioned to enter non-public session. Kathy seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously
  •          Entered non-public session at 10:27 AM.
  •          Other persons present – Terry Caswell
  •           Motion to leave non-public session made by Lynne, seconded by Kathy. Motion passed unanimously.       
  •         Public session reconvened at 11:02AM
  • The minutes of the non-public meeting have been sealed, except for the announcement of the following merit raises:
             Nicole Belisle-Briggs grade IV/7 to IV/8, wage $10.38 / hr.
             Terry Caswell grade XVII/10 to XVIII/9, wage $21.06 / hr.
              Lauri Gaudet grade IV/8 to IV/9, wage $10.63 / hr.
              Sue Mears grade IX/10 to X/9, wage $14.25 / hr.
              Betty Standing grade VIII/10 to IX/9, wage $13.57 / hr.

  • Terry will meet with the staff and communicate these changes to them immediately. Changes will be retroactive to October 18, 2015.      
  • Unfinished Business:
  • Director’s Annual Evaluation: Terry was given a copy of her Annual Review for 2015, which the Trustees put together as a group during a non-public session held on 10/10/2015. Terry was also given a list of goals for the coming year.
  • Materials Donation Acceptance Policy (Review and Signage): Kathy moved and Lynne seconded the Materials Donation Acceptance Policy as revised. The motion passed unanimously. The policy was then signed and dated by the Trustees.
  • Open Alternate Trustee Positions – Jane Hamel and Jean Maggio have been invited to apply for the Trustee alternate positions. Both agreed to attend one of our Trustee meetings to see if that is something in which they would be interested. They will attend our November meeting.
  • USPS Mail Delivery: Terry had advised us a few months ago that Town Hall has decided to have the mail delivered to their South Main Street address instead of to the post office boxes. We agreed that the library should do the same, Terry had written to the Newton post office to request mail delivery directly to the library at 16 South Main St. She had heard nothing back and so called the post office. Terry was told no decision had been made. Terry will ask Nancy Wrigley to follow up on our behalf.
  • New Business:
  • Preliminary 2016 Budget Review: Kathy had printed copies of 2015’s budget and year to date line items, providing a column for 2016’s figures. The selectmen have asked us to budget for what we need. We reviewed each line item and determined whether to level fund or to increase the amount if we felt it was necessary to do so. Hopefully at our next meeting we will only need to fine tune the numbers we filled in today.
  • Board of Trustees Bylaws: The Trustees decided to table this until November.
  • Parental Permission for Criminal Background Check forms for new employees: The Trustees decided to table this until November.
  • Acceptance of Donations – Patrons – $1.00; Friends of the Library – $176.28 (for the purchase of 3 portable tables): Lynne motioned to accept the donation of $1.00 from patrons, and the $176.28 donation from the Friends for the purchase of 3 tables. Anne seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
  • Friends’ News: The Friends will sponsor Trick or Treat at the library on October 31st. They made about $300.00 on the book sale last month.
  • Monthly invoice Review and Initialing: Review and initialing of invoices was done at this meeting.
  • Next Trustee Meeting: Because Veteran’s Day will be celebrated on Wednesday, November 11th this year, our next meeting will be on Thursday, November 12, 2015 at 10:00 am.
  • Meeting adjourned at 12:25 pm.
Respectfully submitted,

Anne D. Banks