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April 8, 2015 Trustees of the Gale Library Minutes
Established      1892                                                                                                                               
16 South Main Street
Newton New Hampshire 03858
(603) 382-4691
DATE: Wednesday April 8, 2015
TIME: 10:00am
LOCATION: Gale Library, 16 S Main Street

  • Call to Order: 10:00 A.M.
  • In Attendance: Lynne Camp, Chairperson; Kathy Meserve, Treasurer; Anne Banks, secretary; Dana Whitney, alternate; Julie Lamere, alternate; Terry Caswell, Director.
  • Minutes from the Previous Meeting (3/11/15): Kathy motioned to accept the minutes as written. Dana seconded. Minutes accepted unanimously.
  • Correspondence and Communications: Terry read thank you notes from Sally Woodman and Marilyn Landry. The notes were in response to farewell gifts given them at the March Trustees’ meeting to thank them for their years of service. Terry also gave Lynne the Trustees’ bill for NHLTA dues. Kathy wanted to be sure everyone had received the NHLTA newsletter.
  • Library Director’s Report: Lynne motioned to accept the Director’s report as written. Anne seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
  • Treasurer’s report: Kathy reported everything balanced this month. We are on schedule with our spending. She expects this year’s appropriation check any day now from Rick Milner. Julie asked for an explanation of the term ‘appropriation check’. Kathy explained this is the amount in the town’s budget for the library line item, less the amount the town will be paying on our behalf for the library staff payroll.  It is paid in one lump sum after the budget is approved at town elections. Lynne motioned to accept the Treasurer’s report as written. Anne seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Unfinished Business:
  • NHLTA Spring Conference Review: Kathy wanted to confirm which of the Trustees would attend this year, and if Terry or the alternates were interested in going. We did not attend last year because we all went to Trustee Orientation workshops in Concord instead. Kathy proposed, in the interest of keeping to our budget, that the three Trustees should attend but that we apply for scholarships for the alternates to attend. From her days on the NHLTA board she can attest that there is always scholarship money left on the table for attending NHLTA events. Julie may not be able to attend due to previous commitments, but both Julie and Dana agreed to apply for the scholarship money. We then discussed the various session topics scheduled for this year, and voiced our individual preferences so that Kathy would be able to make out a tentative schedule to send in with our registrations. We will finalize travel arrangements at our May Trustees’ meeting. Lynne moved to approve the expenditure for three NHLTA annual meeting registrations, and Kathy seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.  
  • Library Board of Trustees Positions: Lynne’s name has been added to the library signature card at the bank. She also sent the alternates’ appointment letters to town hall. Dana has been sworn in, and Julie plans to go next week.
  • NHDB Digital Magazine News: Terry updated us about the new service offered by NHDB downloadable books. As part of our downloadable books subscription and at no additional charge, the service is offering about 40 magazine titles that can be downloaded. The service may be accessed from your home computer. Terry will be sending out information on the steps to access the new service.
  • Building Maintenance Review: Terry is still working to get repairs done to the siding damage in the rear of the building and a new ramp for the shed. Town hall wanted to wait until the weather improved.  They expect Tony will do the work and suggested that Terry reach out to him. Terry is concerned that Tony has too much on his plate to be able to do the work in a timely manner. She will ask town hall about it again now that the weather has improved, and we might see if we can contract for it ourselves.
New Business:
  • Municipal Complex Review Re: Library: The Municipal Complex Committee was disbanded as of 12/31/2014. They did issue a final report, which was not included in the 2014 Town Report. Bill Landry was able to provide a copy of this final report to Lynne. Basically, only the Fire House committee is still active and going forward with plans to establish a new Fire House on the Merrimack Rd. site. We all agreed we will not be able to promote a new library building until the Fire House project is funded by the town so as not to interfere with that. In the meantime we will all try to think of new ways to build our library ‘brand’. We can also reach out to the community to increase awareness of how important a new library is to the town and appeal to town pride.
  • Roof Inspection: Terry noticed loose roofing shingles down on the ground after some particularly severe winds. She contacted Mr. LeToile, who provided a quote that was approved by Town Hall. Mr. LeToile came and fixed the roof.
  • Staffing Update: Jillian Holmberg has accepted full-time employment elsewhere, and will only be available as a substitute going forward. Terry will try to cover Jill’s four hours a week with existing staff in the short term, but will see if she can replace her. She has had just two applicants, both students, and will see if she can attract more interest. On another matter, Betty Standing will celebrate her 40th anniversary working at the Library in June of this year. We all agreed this milestone should be acknowledged.
  • YALS Conference: Terry is going to this Young Adults Library Specialist conference on May 7, 2015.
  • NHLTA Trustee Orientation Workshops: Julie is going to an orientation workshop in Hooksett on Saturday, April 18th. Dana has reviewed the power point slides from previously offered workshops.
  • NHLA Para librarian Certification: As part of continued development for staff, Seacoast Area Library group, of which we are members, is offering a course that will result in a ‘NHLA Public Librarian Certification’. The cost to take the course will be $20 for members of the NHLA and $50 for non-members. Terry is going to mention this new opportunity to her staff at the next staff meeting.
  • Acceptance of Donations: Patrons donated $1.55 during March. Lynne moved to accept the patron donation of $1.55 for March. Kathy seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
  • Friends’ News: The Friends have offered to get us a covering to protect the new meeting table, and have asked us to choose the type of covering we would like. After a brief discussion we all agreed a glass top would be best. Terry will let them know our choice at their next meeting. The Friends have asked for help from Terry to develop a new brochure promoting the Friends’ group, in hopes of gaining new members.
  • Monthly Invoice Review and Initializing: Review and initializing of invoices was done at this meeting.
  • Next Trustee Meeting: The next meeting will be on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 at 10:00 A.M.
  • Meeting was adjourned at 11:52 A.M.
Respectfully submitted,

Anne D. Banks