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October 8, 2014 Trustees of the Gale Library Minutes
16 South Main Street
Newton New Hampshire 03858
(603) 382-4691
DATE: Wednesday October 8, 2014
TIME: 10:00am
LOCATION: Gale Library, 16 S Main Street

  • Call to Order: 10:05 A.M.
  • In Attendance: Marilyn Landry, Chairperson; Anne Banks, secretary; Kathy Meserve, Treasurer, Sally Woodman, alternate; Terry Caswell, Director.
  • Minutes from the Previous Meeting (9/10/2014): Anne motioned to accept the minutes as written. Marilyn seconded. Minutes accepted unanimously.
  • Minutes from the nonpublic meeting on 9/10/2014: Terry read the minutes, and there was one amendment: to correct a typo from ‘public’ to ‘nonpublic’. Amendment was made by hand and initialized by Anne Banks. Marilyn moved to accept non-public minutes as amended, Sally seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
  • Correspondence and Communications: Terry wanted to be sure we all received the NHLTA Autumn Newsletter, which we did. Also, Terry received a letter from another library asking if Gale Library would like to be added to the schedule of seminars by Mr. Beasley of Beasley & Ferber on Estate Planning. She replied affirmative, and Gale Library was offered the date and time of 10/15 from 1-3 PM. Flyers have been put up in various places to announce the event and tell how to register. Also, the town received the Auditor’s Report done for the Board of Selectmen of the town by Vachon and Clukay, CPA. The auditors found no deficiencies for the library.
  • Library Director’s Report: Marilyn motioned to accept the Director’s report as written. Kathy seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
  • Treasurer’s report: We are still on track with our budget. Kathy will ask town hall for more guidance on what we need to allocate concerning Terry’s short term disability insurance. Terry noticed a typo in a date, which Kathy then changed. Marilyn motioned to accept the Treasurer’s report as written. Anne seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
  • Unfinished Business:
  • Director’s Annual Evaluation: All Trustees gave Terry their written evaluations.
  • Interlibrary Loan Policy Review and Signage: Terry has made the changes discussed at our last meeting. Kathy moved to accept the policy as now written. Marilyn seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. All Trustees initialed the policy as written.
  • Building Maintenance Update: Terry got 2 quotes for a new furnace in the library as requested by Town Hall. She will give them to Nancy so Nancy has a number to put in to the budget for it. Chief Ingalls inspected the building for fire safety issues. He is concerned about the fire exit from the 2nd floor. He observed some broken welds on the stairs and has recommended that a structural engineer look at the stairs for us. Terry was to check with Ron LeMere, the Building Inspector for the town, to have him follow up and recommend a solution. If she doesn’t hear back from him she will contact his assistant, Dan Reilly. On another topic, Kathy commented that all of the painting Tony has done in and around the building looks great. All agreed.
  • Nonpublic Session: The board went into nonpublic session, and has sealed the minutes of that session except for the following announcements:
  • Staffing and Salary Changes, including Cost of Living raises and Salary Adjustments effective Sept. 1 2014:
  •       Nicole Belisle-Briggs, grade IV/5 to IV/7, increase from $9.63 to $10.12 / hr.
  •       Cathy Breslin, grade IV/5 to IV/7, increase from $9.63 to $10.12 / hr.
  •       Terry Caswell, grade XVII/9 to XVII/10, increase from$20.05 to $20.55 / hr.
  •       Lauri Gaudet, grade IV/7 to IV/8, increase from $10.12 to $10.38 / hr.
  •       Jillian Holmberg, grade IV/5 to permanent IV/7, increase from $9.63 to $10.12 / hr.
  •       Sue Mears, grade IX/9 to IX/10, increase from $13.57 to $13.91 / hr.
  •       Amanda Plante, grade IV/5 to IV/7, increase from $9.63 to $10.12 / hr.
  •        Betty Standing, grade VIII/9 to VIII/10, increase from $12.93 to $13.25 / hr.
  • New Business:
  • Preliminary 2015 Budget Review: Topic was tabled until later due to time constraints.
  • Circulation Policy Review: The policy was revised to remove any reference to cassettes. At Terry’s suggestion we will also begin allowing return of CDs, DVDs, and VHS videotapes in the outside drop box. The box has been repainted, and Tony will stencil labels for the book slot and the slot for CDs, DVDs, and VHS tapes. There is already a separate area for each slot inside the box. Terry will add bubble wrap or similar material to the bottom of that section of the box to further protect the materials. Terry will revise the copy and send it out to the Trustees to review prior to our next meeting. We will plan to accept and sign the policy at next month’s meeting. The change in procedure will not take affect until we have signed off on the changes and the slots have been relabeled.
  • Staffing Outlook: Jillian Holmberg has been made a permanent employee. She will cover 4 additional hours each week, on Mondays.
  • Acceptance of Donations – Patrons - $2.05: Kathy motioned to accept the donation, Anne seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
  • Friends’ News: No news, as the friends meeting for the month of October is not until next week.
  • Monthly invoice Review and Initialing: Review and initialing was done at this meeting.
  • Next Trustee Meeting: The next meeting will be on Wednesday, November 12, 2014 at 10:00 AM. The Trustees will also have a special Budget Review meeting on Tuesday, October 28 at 1:00PM.
  • Meeting adjourned at 12:30 PM.
  • Respectfully submitted,
  • Anne D. Banks