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March 12, 2014 Trustees of the Gale Library Minutes
Gale Library Trustees Meeting
DATE: Wednesday, March 12, 2014
TIME: 10:00am
LOCATION: Gale Library, 16 S Main Street


Roll Call:  Marilyn Landry, Chairperson; Kathy Meserve, Treasurer; Anne Banks, Secretary; Terry Caswell, Director; Lynne Camp, Alternate; Sally Woodman, Alternate acting as Secretary
Call to Order: 10:00AM
Minutes from Previous Meeting:
Kathy motioned to accept the February minutes as written. Marilyn seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
Communication and Correspondence:
Terry showed two posters she had created announcing the “Ragtime Pianist”. Marilyn offered to post them at the Post Office and in Sargent Woods.
Library Director’s Report:
After several questions were answered Kathy motioned to accept the   report as written. Marilyn seconded and it passed unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report:
After a brief discussion Marilyn motioned to accept the treasurer’s report as written. Anne seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Unfinished Business:
  • Zumba Policy Review and Signage: The Zumba Policy was signed by the Board.
  • Staffing Update:  Terry sent a notice of Lisa Fortin’s position change to the Town Hall. Terry has the immediate staffing needs covered and is exploring other options.
  • AED/CPR: The unit has been purchased by the Fire Department .AED classes will be offered. Kathy suggested that each library worker be trained as they are in the library whenever it is open. Terry will check with the fire department as to the best placement for the AED/CPR.
New Business:
  • Town Voting Results:  Terry Caswell has been made a full time director working 40 hours and with benefits. Everyone was elated to hear this news as she definitely deserved this position.
  • NHLTA Spring Conference Review: The Trustees went over the programs offered for this year’s NHLTA’s conference. They also considered several other upcoming conferences. After discussing the various options it was suggested that everyone review the material and make their decision known at the April meeting.
  • Public Internet Access Policy Review: Many possible suggestions for needed changes were aired. Kathy suggested looking at some other Internet Access policies different libraries have adopted and consider possible changes at our April meeting.
  • National Library Week: Terry suggested waiving the fines for the Library Week. Marilyn made the motion to waive the fines for the Library Week. Kathy seconded and the motion passed unanimously.  Terry has spoken with Lorraine Bilodeau, art teacher at the Sanborn Regional Middle School. Some of her student’s art work will be on display at our library.
  • Building Maintenance: It was suggested to Terry that the library should change keys on a yearly basis. She is requesting all that presently have keys turn them in.  Terry showed us the boards that Len put up at the top of the book shelves on the first level of the library to stabilize them. He has also painted them to blend with the book shelves. Len plans to replace the window panes that have small round hole in them in the spring when it is warmer. A question was asked about the power washing of the outside. Terry said one side has been done and the rest is being considered.
  • Musical Key Board: Last month it was decided to accept the donation of this keyboard and Terry stated that she will pick it up.
  • Acceptance of Donations:
Kathy moved to accept the $10.25 from various patrons. Marilyn seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Kathy motioned to accept $125.00 given by the Felisberto family to be used for children. Marilyn seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Kathy motioned to accept $28.98 from the Friends of the Library for an electric tea kettle. Marilyn motioned to accept the $28.98. Kathy seconded and the motioned passed unanimously.,

Kathy motioned to accept two new HPcomputers costing $699.98 from The Friends of the Library.  Marilyn seconded and the motion carried unanimously.  The Friends’ paid Staples directly.
Friends’ News: The Friends asked us to consider what else the library needed.
        The Friends of the Library cleared about $600.00 from the bake sale held during
        the elections.
The Friends are currently considering t-shirts and/or book bags with the ‘Friends of the Library’ logo on them as well as others projects.
Date of Next Meeting:   April 9, 2014 at 10:00AM
Adjournment:  11:30AM

Respectfully Submitted by,

Acting Secretary