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October 7, 2013 Trustees of the Gale Library Minutes
DATE: Monday October 7, 2013
TIME: 10:00am
LOCATION: Gale Library, 16 S Main Street


  • Call to Order: Marilyn called the meeting to order at 10:05 AM
  • In Attendance: Marilyn Landry; Chair, Kathy Meserve; Treasurer, Diane Morin; Secretary, Terry Caswell; Director, Lynne Camp; Alternate Trustee
  • Secretary’s Report:
Kathy motioned to accept the minutes from September 11, 2013 as written.  Marilyn seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

  • Director’s Report: Kathy asked how many people attended the Ragtime piano concert and if there was enough room.  Terry responded that there 32 attendees and that it was quite cozy.  
Kathy asked about the “Bingo for Books” that was held on Town Day.  Terry stated that no one participated.
Terry further explained the incident that happened with the de-humidifier.  Some kids were playing around on the fire escape and Terry told them to please get off the fire escape.   They were loitering outside and Terry asked them to please come in or leave the area.  Terry thinks that they might have disrupted the hose on the de-humidifier which caused it to tip over in the basement.  Once she realized there was a problem she fixed the problem.
Kathy asked about the toner for the copier.  She wanted to ensure we did not purchase the same ones as last year which caused problems for the copier.  Terry said that the toner cartridges were from a different company and have worked fine.
Diane motioned to accept the Library Director’s Report as written. Kathy seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

  • Treasurer’s Report:
Marilyn motioned to accept the Treasurer’s Report as written.  Diane seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

  • Communication and Correspondence: Terry received a thank you note from Deborrah Wyndham for having her at the library where she played ragtime music on her keyboard.
She also received an email from Timothy Maloney requesting a Gale Library card for his collection.  He has been collecting library cards from all over the country and displaying them at different venues.  Terry sent him yellow library card.  He responded that he had received the card and added it to his display.
  • Unfinished Business :
  • Preliminary 2014 Budget Review: The Trustees worked on the 2014 budget.  The budget review with the BOS is scheduled for November 12, 2013.  The Trustees will finalize the budget at the November 6, 2013 meeting.  
  • Director’s Annual Evaluation:  The Trustees handed Terry her written evaluation.
The Trustees unanimously approved a merit increase to Terry Caswell, Library Director, from Grade XVI, Step 9 to Grade XVII, Step 9 effective September 1, 2013.
  • Newton Municipal Complex Update: Marilyn attended the library subcommittee for the municipal complex on September 30, 2013.  They discussed whether the proposed building is structurally sound and environmentally safe.  No time frame has been set for inspection of the building.
  • Voice Recorder Update: The new recorder is now in use by the Trustees.  
  • Vehicle Policy: Terry explained the new policy.  Anyone who uses a town vehicle or gets reimbursed needs to fill out the agreement and provide a photo copy of their license to be kept on file at the town hall.  The form and photo copy needs to be submitted to the Town Administrator by October 10, 2013.
  • New Business:
  • Newton/Kingston Library Meeting Update: Terry spoke with Kingston Trustee Chair and setup a meeting for December 4, 2013 at 7:00pm to be held at the Kingston Library.
  • NHAS Library Telescope Update: The telescope arrived on October 1, 2013.  Terry will become familiar with the operation of the telescope.
  • Library Telescope Policy and User Agreement Review: The Trustees reviewed several different versions of the agreement that Terry found from other libraries.   One was chosen and Terry will update to reflect the Gale Library in the header and will bring the updated version to the next meeting.  Terry will look at getting a hard case for the telescope.
  • Bridgeport National Bindery, Inc.: Terry sent the 2007-2012 Annual Town Reports to be placed in a hard cover binder.
  • AC Replacement Estimates: Terry mentioned to the Town Administrator the need to replace the old inefficient AC units for 2014. Terry researched the cost of window AC units and found them to run about $350 for a 12K BTU. The discussion turned to which budget it would come from.  The Trustees feel it should come from the Town’s General Building fund.  Terry will ask the Town Administrator who is responsible for the AC units.
  • Affordable Care Act (ACA) Information Brochure: Terry reviewed the ACA brochure she received from the Seacoast workshop she attended.  She has made it available to the public as well as putting a link to the web site on the public computers.
  • Job Descriptions Review: The Children’s Librarian and Assistant Director job descriptions will be reviewed next month.
  • Acceptance of Donations-Patrons:  
Diane motioned to accept donations in the amount of $2.20.  Marilyn seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

  • Friend’s News: They will be holding a Halloween party at the library on October 31, 2013 for the public.  They are planning on raffling off Christmas baskets again.
  • Monthly Invoice Review and Initialing:  The Trustees reviewed and signed the monthly invoices.  .
  • Adjournment: Marilyn adjourned the meeting at 12:10pm
  • Date of Next Meeting: Wednesday, November 6, 2013 @ 10:00am
Posted on 11/ 6 /2013: Newton Town Hall, Gale Library, and Newton Post Office and the
Official Town Website @

Respectfully Submitted,

Diane M Morin
Gale Library Trustee; Secretary