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June 12, 2013 Trustees of the Gale Library Minutes
DATE: Wednesday June 12, 2013
TIME: 10:00am
LOCATION: Gale Library, 16 S Main Street


  • Call to Order: 10:03am
  • In Attendance: Marilyn Landry: Chairperson, Kathy Meserve: Treasurer, Diane Morin: Secretary, Terry Caswell: Director, Sally Woodman, Anne Banks, Lynne Camp: Alternates
  • Secretary’s Report:
Kathy motioned to accept the minutes as written for the May 8, 2013 meeting.  Marilyn seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
  • Director’s Report:
Marilyn motioned to accept the Director’s Report as written for the month of May.  Kathy seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
  • Treasurer’s Report: Kathy reported that we are in great shape and within the budget.
Diane motioned to accept the Treasurer’s Report as written for the month of May.  Marilyn seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
  • Communication and Correspondence:
  • Anne has been in communication with Bob Gilbert a trustee from Brentwood Library about how their library receives a portion of impact fees the town charges for new construction.  Anne will review the letter and report back at our next meeting.
  • Terry received a $100 donation from Kristy LaCroix to be used where needed.
Diane made a motion to accept the donation of $100 from Kristy LaCroix to be used as needed.  The money will be placed in the main checking account.  Kathy seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
  • Terry asked if we needed to make a motion to accept the KBA grant.  The Trustees decided it would make sense.
Kathy made a motion to accept the $255 KBA grant and place the money in the main checking account.  Marilyn seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
  • Terry asked about the $285 scholarship that the library received to offset the Museum of Science Traveling program if we should motion to accept as well.
Marilyn made a motion to accept $285 scholarship to offset the cost of the Museum of Sciences Traveling program.  Kathy seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
  • Some members received the NHLTA annual awards brochure.  
  • Unfinished Business :
  • Investment Policy Review and Signage:  The Trustees reviewed and signed the policy.
  • Follett Hardware Quotes: Terry did more research on the handheld scanner used to check out patrons.  After contacting other libraries she would like to purchase the USB scanner.  It is less costly and can be used with a laptop if needed.  The cost of the USB scanner is $235.  The cost of the printer which is used to print receipts for patrons is $349.  The total cost is $587.  The Trustees agreed and asked Terry to purchase the equipment from the supplier, Follett.
  • New Business:
  • Town of Newton Vehicle Policy Review: Diane briefly reviewed the policy and stated that it will be going through some more modifications.  It does not affect the Library as the library does not have vehicles.
  • Building Maintenance:
  • Terry is working with Len, the town maintenance person, to see if he can find siding that matches to replace the siding that is not a match for the rest of the building.  Len will bring some samples to try and match the existing siding.
  • Terry contacted Newton Greenhouse about getting more plantings for the landscape.  They will give the library some plants.  Sally will also give some daisy she has.  Terry will coordinate the plantings.
  • Terry connected the hose so the plants could be watered.  
  • Len installed the AC units.  Next year Terry will ask to have them installed in May.
  • Len will paint the entry way and porch.
  • JM security has still not been to the library for the annual inspection.  Terry will contact them.
  • NHLTA Conference Review:  Per Kathy’s request via email attendees sent their comments to her.  All attendees commented that the sessions they attended were very informative.  Kathy mentioned that the NHLTA is looking for a larger venue to hold the conference.\
  • Bonding: Terry asked the Town Administrator if the Trustees are bonded at the town level.  The TA reported that there is blanket coverage for all town elected officials.  The coverage is for $500,000 per occurrence.
  • Letter of Payment Schedule: Terry asked if we send a request to the Town to release the appropriations voted on after the election.  Kathy responded that yes a letter is sent requesting the whole amount.
  • Mid-Year Outlook: September 2, 2013 will be Terry’s 10th year as Library Director.  Terry reviewed past directors’ number of years they were in the position.  Terry will have been with the library 10 years in September which is one of the longest directors the library has had.   Terry reviewed her accomplishments with the Trustees.  Below is her input:
     Summary of Service/Progress
     1997-2000 – Began working at the Gale Library as Library Assistant.    
      Progressed to Technical Services Librarian, Assistant Director, and Acting
     2003-2013 - Returned to the Gale Library in Library Director Position.  
This September 2, 2013 will mark a milestone of 10 years of my role as Gale Library Director, with 13 total years of Gale Library Service.  Over a 30-year history, my tenure has been a standard of longevity.

Since becoming Library Director in 2003, library programming has increased by 17% and total circulation with library usage by 46%.
Some of the highlights of services and building maintenance upgrades are:

Select Services
Offer Notary Public Service (personal expense)
Online Catalog for searching, renewals, and requests
Initiated Social Media Presence
Obtained grant for New Hampshire Downloadable Books implementation
Initiated DVD collection
Initiated numerous new programs, such as Genealogy Club, Wii, MusicalEvents, Movie Showings, Cooking, and more.
Faxing Service
Updated Computers for Patron Usage
Obtained Ancestry Library database for public usage
Select Building Maintenance Upgrades
New Windows throughout the Library
New Library Lighting (both levels of Library)
Painted E-Room, Hallway, Stairway
Repaired/Replaced Vinyl Siding
Obtained two sheds for storage/recycling purposes
Installed basement sump pump
Lined chimney
Installed railing basement stairway
Basement door lock
Water Pump Replacement
New Commode
Tree Removal
Roof Work
Installed Folding Attic Stairs
Pantry Renovation
New Oil Tank
Repair Porch Supports (Concrete Work)
Some Noted Qualities
Open to New Ideas/Procedures
Positive Attitude
Training and Networking with Other Library Directors
Works Well With Others

  • Newton and Kingston Library Meeting: Marilyn would like to meet the Kingston Trustees and visit their new library.  We have a reciprocal lending policy with Kingston and it would be good to get to know them.  Terry will schedule a meeting with the Trustees and Library Director.
Acceptance of Donations-Patrons $7.50:
Marilyn made a motion to accept the $7.50.  Kathy seconded and the motion passed unanimously.  Kathy seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
  • Friends’ News:
  • Terry reported that they made $127 on the book sale.  There was some discussion on what happens to the left over books.  Some of the books go to a business in Plaistow and some to an organization that helps Veterans.  Some are stored in the shed as well.
  • The Friends will be offering discount tickets to York Wild Animal Kingdom through the library.
  • The Friends’ are working on a new brochure to encourage new people to join the organization.
  • The Friends’ will not be meeting until September, 2013.
  • Monthly Invoice Review and Initialing:  The Trustees reviewed and initialed  invoices.
  • Adjournment:  11:30am
Date of Next Meeting: July 10, 2013

Respectfully Submitted,

Diane M Morin