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April 10, 2013 Trustees of the Gale Library Minutes
DATE: Wednesday April 10, 2013
TIME: 10:00am
LOCATION: Gale Library, 16 S Main Street


  • Call to Order: 10:05am
  • In Attendance: Sally Woodman: Acting Chair, Kathy Meserve: Treasurer, Terry Caswell: Library Director, Diane Morin: Secretary, Lynne Camp and Anne Banks: Alternates
  • Secretary’s Report: Kathy motioned to accept the minutes as written.  Sally seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
  • Director’s Report:  Kathy motioned to accept the Director’s report as written.  Sally seconded and the motion passed unanimously
  • Treasurer’s Report: Diane motioned to accept the Treasure’s report as written.  Sally seconded and the motion passed unanimously
  • Communication and Correspondence: Boston College Weston Observatory sent a brochure of field trips that are available.  The Trustees will review the information and decided on a course of action at May’s meeting.
Nancy Wrigley sent the trustees the request list of audit documents. Kathy will deliver the audit materials to town hall today

Kathy spoke with the Town Administrator, Nancy Wrigley about the investment policy the library has.  Nancy informed her that the policy needs to be reviewed annually.  The Trustees must vote and have the minutes reflect that the policy has been reviewed.  Terry will send a copy of the policy to the Trustees and it will be reviewed and voted on at the May meeting.

Diane hand carried a letter written by Town Administrator, Nancy Wrigley to the Merrimac Bank noting who the current signors on the library bank accounts are.

  • Unfinished Business:
  • Fire Escape Repairs: Terry reported that only one bid came in and the Selectmen went with the bidder, Target New England Historical Restorations, to repair the fire escape.  The work should take about 8 days to complete.  Once the work is completed, Terry will receive a report on the work done.
  • Cell Phone Policy: Sally motioned to accept the Cell Phone Restriction policy as written.  Kathy seconded and the motion passed unanimously.  The policy was signed by the Trustees.
  • New Business:
  • Community Posting Board: Sally motioned to review and approve the Community Posting Board policy as written.  Kathy seconded and the motion passed unanimously.  The Trustees will sign the policy at the May meeting.
  • Computer Replacement:  Terry reported that the circulation PC broke.  She exchanged it with one of the public PC.  Terry and Diane will research a replacement PC.  Sally made a motion to purchase a new PC to replace the circulation PC.  The cost should not exceed $1000.  Kathy seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
  • Library Partnership with Computer Service: Diane explained that the Town has contracted with RMON Networks to provide IT services.  Upon further discussion it was decided that the cost to cover each PC was not within the budget.
  • Transparent Language Online: State Librarian forwarded information about an online course being provided to libraries where patrons can learn a second language from home.  The price was dependent on the number of residents.  For Newton the cost would be $700 per year.  Terry will post a message on Facebook and have a written survey at the library to see if there is any interest from the patrons.
  • Impact Fees: Terry attended a meeting where one community has used Impact Fees to fix their library.  Terry contacted Nancy Wrigley about using Impact Fees for our library.  Nancy informed her that the fees collected are used to offset the school budget.  This policy the Town has may be changing.  We will revisit this at the May meeting.
  • United Way Partnership: The Seacoast United Way has a program of volunteers that will come to the library and read to people.  Terry will discuss with the organization about coming to the library.
  • Let’s Talk About It: The Kingston Librarian is applying for a grant that will bring a scholar in to talk about Muslim books.  The Gale library has a partnership with the Kingston Library and Sandown Regional HS library. Terry wrote a letter of support for the grant.  
  • National Library Week: Programs are scheduled for the week of April 14-20.  The Friends of the Gale library will be providing refreshments for some events.
  • Donations: Sally motioned to accept $5.55 donations from patrons.  Kathy seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
  • Friend’s News: The yard sale will be held on April 27 from 8am-4pm at Estabrooks Garage. The Friends have also volunteered to take care of seasonal flowers around the library.
  • Friday Summer Programs: Sally informed the Trustees that the Newton Recreation Commission will be holding Martial Arts classes on Friday from 10-11am starting July 19 through August 9 and wanted to make sure there were no Library programs scheduled at the same time.  Terry confirmed that there would be no overlap.
  • Monthly Invoice Review and Initialing:  The Trustees performed monthly review of invoices and initialed.
  • Adjournment: 11:55am
  • Date of Next Meeting: May 8, 2013
Posted on 5/8/2013: Newton Town Hall, Gale Library, Newton Post Office and the
Official Town Website @

Respectfully Submitted,

Diane M Morin