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October 11, 2012 Trustees of the Gale Library Minutes

DATE:                           October 11, 2012
PLACE:                  Gale Library
TIME:                           6:30 p.m.
CALL TO ORDER:          6:35 p.m.
ROLL CALL:      Marilyn Landry; Chair, Carol Szot; Secretary,  Kathy Meserve; Treasurer, Terry Caswell;  Director, Sally Woodman, Alternate

SECRETARY’S REPORT: Kathy motioned to accept the September 13, 2012 minutes as read. Carol seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

 COMMUNICATION and CORRESPONDANCE: Mention was made of a profile of Kathy Meserve featured in the NHLTA quarterly newsletter.

DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Kathy motioned to accept the Director’s minutes as read. Marilyn seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Carol motioned to accept the Treasurer’s report as read. Marilyn seconded and it passed unanimously.

  • The Trustees submitted the annual Director’s Evaluations. Terry will review them and respond at the next meeting.
  • The Trustees reviewed and signed the Art and Display Policy. Carol motioned to accept, and Kathy seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
  • The Gale Library participated in a food drive sponsored by Rockingham Community Action. Their representative Rick Dumont will collect the donations.
  • Mr. Cote made some building maintenance repairs. The first and second floor emergency exit doors were extensively restored.
  • The air conditioners have been removed by a member of the road crew and stored for the winter.
  • The job of power washing the building is still being pursued and waiting for a decision from Town Hall. It is likely to be done in the spring.
  • The three fire extinguishers were inspected this month by Keane Fire and Safety.  All units passed inspection without issue.
  • Fire Chief Ingalls submitted a report that recommended advice from a structural engineer.
  • Discussion was held on spending donated funds on a book carousel in the E area.
  • Discussion was held on the subject of upgrading the Library card issued to patrons. New patrons would receive a card and key tag that would improve book processing at the front desk. More information is needed before a decision is made.
  • The 2013 budget was readdressed in order to be ready for the budget review meeting at Town Hall in early November. In the course of the conversation it was decided to implement a 2.5% merit raise for the staff, beginning January 1, 2013, this coming in light of the town budget going default for the last 4 years. A motion was proposed by Marilyn and seconded by Kathy. It passed unanimously.
  • Carol motioned, and Kathy seconded to accept the $51.05 donation from patrons.
  • The Trustees reviewed and initialed this month’s invoices.
Friends of the Gale Library News:
  • The Friends welcome a new member this month.
  • The Friends will be holding their annual Halloween Party on Wednesday, October 31st from 5:30 to 7:30pm.
  • A bake sale will be held at the polls this November 6th.  
ADJOURNMENT: 8:57 p.m.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING:  Thursday, November 8, 2012 at 6:30p.m.

                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                Carol Szot, Secretary                           DRAFT