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September 13, 2012 Trustees of the Gale Library Minutes

DATE:                           September 13, 2012
PLACE:                  Gale Library
TIME:                           6:30 p.m.
CALL TO ORDER:          6:40 p.m.
ROLL CALL:      Marilyn Landry; Chair, Carol Szot; Secretary,  Kathy Meserve; Treasurer, Terry Caswell;  Director

SECRETARY’S REPORT: Kathy motioned to accept the August 8, 2012 minutes as read. Carol seconded and the motion carried unanimously.  

DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Kathy motioned to accept the Director’s minutes as read. Carol seconded and they passed unanimously.

COMMUNICATION and CORRESPONDANCE: A letter was received authorizing the Trustees to move the Building Fund money from TD Bank to the Merrimac Savings.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Carol motioned to accept the Treasurer’s report as read. Kathy seconded and they passed unanimously. Discussion was held about plans for existing donation funds including various ideas for programming.

  • Marilyn and Sally will attend the NHLTA Fall workshop in Concord.
  • Building maintenance issues include arranging for the air conditioners to be removed at the end of the month. Terry acquired an estimate for power washing the building at $400.00. She is pursuing other bids. Fire Chief Ingalls inspected the fire escape and noted some corrosion on the vertical rail at the bottom of the stairs. Terry noted that we need the Chief to write up a report by the end of the month. Terry will contact the building inspector about any work that should be done. Carol mentioned that it has been 17 years since the stairs had been sand blasted, repaired and painted. Elinor Murphy has performed volunteer work weeding the garden next to the shed.
  • Evaluation forms were distributed for Terry’s annual evaluation. They will be submitted next meeting.
  • Art and Display Policy draft and Agreement Form were reviewed. Revisions were made and will be signed in the October meeting.
  • Kathy motioned and Carol seconded to accept the $8.95 donation from patrons.
  • Discussion was held on the 2013 budget. Ideas were generated, but no decisions were reached.
Friends of the Gale Library News:
  • Discussion was held about a Friends request for a second shed in the back for the purpose of used book storage. Certain obstacles were foreseen and the idea was put on hold for now. They may reconsider the idea next Spring.
ADJOURNMENT: 9:15 p.m.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING:  Thursday, October 11, 2012 at 6:30p.m.

                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                Carol Szot, Secretary                           DRAFT