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February 16, 2012 Trustees of the Gale Library Minutes
Gale Library Trustees Meeting Minutes

DATE:                                           February 16, 2012                               
PLACE:                                          Gale Library
CALL TO ORDER:                                  9:07 am
ROLL CALL:         Sally Woodman, chair; Kathy Meserve, secretary; Marilyn Landry, alternate; Terry Caswell, Library Director
SECRETARY’S REPORT:             After a motion was made and seconded, the Trustees voted to accept the minutes as written.
CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATION:     The Trustees read the auditor’s list of requested documents, in a letter that Town Hall copied and sent us.
DIRECTOR’S REPORT:              After a motion was made and seconded, the Trustees voted to accept the Director’s Report as written.
TREASURER’S REPORT:             After a motion was made and seconded, the Trustees voted to accept the monthly Treasurer’s Report. After a motion was made and seconded, the Trustees voted to accept the donations of $65.05.
  • The Trustees voted to accept the Gale Library Staff Social Media Policy as written. The Trustees then signed the Policy.
  • Due to an oversight, the Gale Library Social Media Policy was not presented for signing, and will be presented at next month’s meeting.
  • The Trustees reviewed the warrant article for next month’s elections and verified the financial number in it.  Kathy will try to write a letter to the newspaper in support of the warrant article 18.
  • After a motion was made and seconded, the Trustees voted to accept the donation of a Dell XP desktop computer from Mr. Karpowski. Terry has sent him a thank you note.
  • Terry informed us of her progress on filling the float library aide position.
  • Terry informed us that the movie license fee has been discounted by 25%. The new total for 2012 is $221.00.  After paying a prorated fee of $34.30, the bill for 2012 will be paid in full.
  • Kathy discussed the results of the legislative hearing on HB 1556 regarding the ILL van service. It appears that the van service will continue.
  • Terry presented information on the 16th annual WOW conference (Winning Opportunities for Women) being held at Atkinson Country Club on Friday, March 16. After discussion, the Trustees voted to spend $59.00 for Terry to attend as professional development.
  • Terry reviewed several building maintenance concerns. She has contacted Mike Pivero about a tree branch that is touching the roof over the back entrance. She has contacted Michel Cote about the shed ramp and a second library logo sign installation, and will see if he can install the battery pack for the shed light.
  • The auditors are currently working at Town Hall.
  • The Friends of the Gale Library will hold a short meeting on Tuesday, March 6 at 1pm. They have asked us to help bake for the Election Day Bake Sale. Kathy and Sally will assist on the day of the sale.
  • Several invoices were reviewed and initialed.
DATE OF NEXT TRUSTEE MEETING: March 14, 2012 at 9 am, Gale Library
                                                        Respectfully Submitted,

                                                        Kathy Meserve, secretary