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January 11, 2012 Trustees of the Gale Library Minutes
Gale Library Trustees Meeting Minutes

DATE:                                   January 11, 2012
PLACE:                                  Gale Library
CALL TO ORDER:                          9:10 am
SECRETARY’S REPORT:       After a motion was made and seconded, it was voted to accept the minutes of the December 14, 2011 meeting.
CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATION: The Trustees reviewed the latest NHLTA Newsletter that arrived this month.
DIRECTOR’S REPORT: After a motion was made and seconded, it was voted to accept the library director’s report.
TREASURER’S REPORT: After a motion was made and seconded, it was voted to accept the treasurer’s monthly report and the annual report, both with revisions.
  • The Trustees revised the draft Social Networking Software Policy and will present it at next month’s meeting for acceptance and signing.
  • Carol reviewed the status of the 2012 budget and stated that the staff 2.5% cost of living increases depend on the budget vote.
  • Per the October, 2011 Trustees meeting and vote, the Trustees approved a wage increase to Terry Caswell, from grade XVI, step 7 to grade XVI, step 8, which is $18.63 per hour, effective January 1, 2012.
  • After a motion was made and seconded, it was voted to accept the amended warrant article about a full-time director as it is written, with the inclusion of Carol’s financial numbers.
  • The Trustees worked on a draft Staff Social Networking Policy. Sally will write it up and present it at next month’s meeting
  • The review of the Personnel Policy will be postponed until the March, 2012 meeting.
  • Terry reported that the electrician has replaced the light fixture on the outside of the building in the back. The Town of Newton will pay for this, she stated. A light on the shed needs a new battery pack and the electrician will work on that. There is also a broken slat on the ramp into the shed. Terry is contacting Michael Cote regarding this.
  • The proposals for heating and air conditioning units have been submitted to Town Hall and await the selectmen’s action and the town vote.
  • Terry announced that the Ancestry Library Edition Online Database is now available. Kathy mentioned a potential speaker on genealogy research who is from the NH Historical Society Library
  • The Trustees voted to change the February meeting date.
  • The Trustees voted to change the trustee status to patron status in the circulation computer.
  • Marilyn reported that the Friends of the Gale Library made $350.00 on their Christmas Basket Raffle. There will be a used Books by the Bag Sale this month to benefit the Friends. They will sponsor a Mother’s Day Raffle in the spring, and will also have an Election Day Bake Sale on March 13.  The Friends group is on winter hiatus until their April, 2012 meeting.
  • The Trustees reviewed and initialed one invoice.
DATE OF NEXT TRUSTEE MEETING:  Thursday, February 16, 2012 at 9am

                                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                                        Kathy Meserve, Secretary