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December 14, 2011 Trustees of the Gale Library Minutes
Gale Library Trustees Meeting Minutes

DATE:                                   December 14, 2011
PLACE:                                  Gale Library
CALL TO ORDER:                          9:05 am
ROLL CALL:              Sally Woodman, Chair; Carol Szot, Treasurer; Kathy Meserve, Secretary; Marilyn Landry, Alternate; Terry Caswell, Director.
SECRETARY’S REPORT: After a motion was made and seconded, it was voted to accept the minutes of the November 9, 2011 meeting.
CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATION: The Trustees completed the surveys that were sent to them from a member of the NHLTA. Terry distributed copies of the 2012 Trustee Meetings and the 2012 Holiday Closings. Terry presented Summer Reading Program statistics for us to look at. Terry presented a letter from the Wonderland Thrift Shop in Exeter that asked us if we would like to sponsor a coat drive. After a motion was made and seconded, it was voted to sponsor a coat drive for the Wonderland Thrift Shop after the end of the year. Terry mentioned that the library is looking for a coat rack, if anyone knows of one available.
DIRECTOR’S REPORT: After a motion was made and seconded, it was voted to accept the library director’s report. Later, Kathy proposed an amendment to the director’s report to include the Friends donation of $156.10. The motion to amend was seconded and passed unanimously. After a motion was made and seconded, the amended director’s report was passed.                                                                                                                    TREASURER’S REPORT: After a motion was made and seconded, it was voted to accept a cash donation of $1.70. After a motion was made and seconded, it was voted to accept the treasurer’s report as written.
  • The Trustees discussed their presentation for the budget hearing this evening. Sally presented the health insurance figures that were needed for the full-time library director warrant article. Carol will prepare the numbers and submit them to the Town Administrator.
  • The Trustees noted that the ILL van petition drive gathered 18,000 signatures from 157 NH libraries. The ILL van report is currently with the legislative finance committee.
  • After amending some of the wording, the Trustees voted to approve the Director’s annual Year-End Report.
  • The Trustees began work on the Library Social Media Policy. Kathy will create a draft version for the next meeting. We will continue to work on the Staff Social Media Policy next month. We will postpone review of the Personnel Policy until next month.
  • The Friends of the Gale Library had a very successful Doll Tea Party and made $135.00 from it. The Christmas Basket Raffle continues; the drawing will be held on December 21. The Friends will be on winter hiatus until March 2012. However, they will be holding an Election Day Bake Sale on March 13 and are asking the Trustees and staff to contribute baked goods.
  • Terry stated that the Town Administrator is aware of the burned-out light in the library parking lot; Sally will also speak to Nancy about this.
  • Kathy reported that Crossman Air Balancing said they will submit more estimates for air-conditioning the second floor, and a heating system for the first floor. David’s Heating is also scheduled to evaluate the heating system and possible air conditioning for the first floor.
  • Terry reported on a purchase of Ancestry Library Edition Online Database. This is a subscription to a genealogy database, available at a group rate through the state library.
  • Terry presented statistics that show that, in addition to the Gale Library, 77% of New Hampshire Public Libraries provide eBook access or offer downloadable media.
  • The Trustees will initial the invoices on December 30, 2011.
DATE OF NEXT TRUSTEE MEETING:  Wednesday, January 11, 2012
                                                                Respectfully Submitted,

                                                                Kathy Meserve, Secretary