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December 8, 2010 Trustees of the Gale Library Minutes

DATE:                   December 8, 2010
PLACE:                  Gale Library
TIME:                           9:00a.m.
CALL TO ORDER:  9:12a.m.
ROLL CALL:               Carol Szot, Treasurer and acting Chair;
                                Terry Caswell, Director; Sally Woodman,
                                Secretary; Kathy Meserve, Alternate
SECRETARY’S REPORT: Accepted as written.
DIRECTOR’S REPORT:   Accepted as written.
TREASURER’S REPORT:  Accepted as written.
  • Carol Szot announced that she has been invited to be a member of the New Hampshire Trustee’s Library Association. Her term would be for 2 years.
  • Terry showed us the time line for the town meetings.
  • The board discussed the 2011 calendar for the library’s holidays. The 11 holiday dates have been set and Kathy made a motion to accept them as written. Sally seconded and the board voted unanimously in favor of accepting them. Terry will give us the print out of these holidays. The board reviewed the dates for our meeting in 2011 and we each got a copy of them.
  • Carol has been preparing warrant articles for the annual town meeting. For the first one, Carol motioned “to implement RSA 202A:23 which will allow the Trustees to accept, receive, invest and administer directly any funds and donations when so specified by the donor. The Trustees will be governed by the provisions of RSA31:25 and RSA 41:6”. Sally seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
  • Carol then motioned that” the Trustees request a change of use for the funds in the Library Building Fund. These funds, in the amount of $8340.00 will be used for library upgrades and alterations to the library building. This was seconded by Kathy and passed unanimously. This building fund was generated during the years of the building committee  in the late 1990’s through raffles, bingo games, and donations. Carol has agreed to look into the proper wording of the articles and then give the warrant articles to the Town Hall.
  • Terry is still awaiting quotes for the porch painting and the door’s weather stripping.  We will revisit this item in the January meeting.
  • Terry read her Annual Town Report and after one addition the board accepted the report. When the addition has been added the board members will go to the library and sign it so that it can be sent to Town Hall.
  • The Trustee board reviewed the 2011 budget spreadsheet that contains the year-to-date expenses.  This has been sent to the Board of Selectmen who will discuss it with the Trustees at the December 20, 2010 at the Selectmen’s meeting.
  • The Friends of the Library have 22 baskets that are being raffled. The tickets, which can be purchased at the library, are 2 for a $1:00. The winning numbers will be drawn on Friday, December 17, 2010.
ADJOURNMENT: 11:17p.m.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, January 12, 2011

                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                Sally Woodman