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April 28, 2014 Safety Committee Minutes
Town of Newton, NH
Safety Committee

Safety Committee Minutes
April 28, 2014

In Attendance: William Landry, Cemetery Director; Larry Foote, Emergency Management Director; Nancy Wrigley, Town Administrator; Trisha McCarthy, Safety Deputy & Conservation Commission; Terry Casewell, Gale Library Director; Kimberly Lowther, Safety Commission, Secretary.

Kimberly Lowther recorded and transcribed the minutes of the meeting.

  • Call to Order
Trisha called the Safety Committee meeting to order at 4:20pm.

  • Review Minutes of 10/03/12
  • Review action items.

Workplace Violence Prevention Policy is close to committee approval and ready to send off to the Selectmen for their acceptance.  Nancy printed recommendations regarding an Anti- Bullying Policy.  Bill would like the Policy to read the Anti Bullying/ Harassment Policy. This policy would apply to all town employees and residents. Nancy informed the Safety Commission that the 1-800 Number and the Incident Investigation section had been updated to the Policy. Nancy added that she would help write the policy however prefers not to conduct such trainings.

Larry asked if the board accepted the updates added to the Workplace Prevention Policy. Bill replied that the policy had been updated since our last meeting.

Nancy reviewed page two of the document. Committee members agreed that the document was complete. Larry would like to have this policy placed on the Selectmen’s Agenda for review and hopefully approval. Nancy agreed. Trisha would like all department heads to receive a copy of the updated policy.

Discussion was then directed to page five of the Minutes. In the section, Special Events, third paragraph down, possible ‘what if’ scenarios were discussed. At our previous meeting, Chief Streeter had said hypothetically what if a car working a detail during a PTO sponsored event accidentally collides into a Police Officer. He questioned, should we make sure these events are bonded?  
Trisha brought up the PTO Town Fair that was located on school property. Bill mentioned that the PTO hires the Police Officer to detail the events, for instance the annual road race. Trisha questioned should the Organizer of an event be liable to compensate if an accident were to occur?
However the main question that all members would like to investigate is, in the event of an accident, is the Town held accountable? Nancy was not positive, but does not believe our insurance would compensate such claims.

 Trisha would like Kimberly Lowther to contact Chief Streeter requesting  the Special Events Policy that the Police Department has on file and forward it to the Safety Commission.

Next the committee members discussed the possibilities of an accident occurring during Boy Scout clean ups, or Conservation Commission trail clean ups. Bill recommended implementing an “At Your Own Risk” waiver. Larry would like to adopt a Volunteer Waiver. Bill will review additional waivers and look into developing one.

Nancy reviewed Local Government Center and is under the impression that volunteers are not covered under the town insurance policy. Nancy added that any accident covered by our insurance, would have to be due to negligence on our part.  The town cannot be held liable if an individual trips or falls. That’s why she’s not sure that bonding would be possible for the PTO. Larry said it all depends on the type of volunteering and would be assessed on a case-by-case basis. He added, Boy scouts for instance do community service to earn merit badges. Nancy mentioned the importance of a Liability Waiver. Trisha thought we had developed a waiver in the past.

  • Meeting Schedule for 2014
The Safety Commission would like to schedule our next meeting for June 2014. A final date is to be determined.

  • Recommended Trainings for Town Employees.
Nancy began the discussion focusing on recourse taken for employees who choose not to follow through with required trainings.  Nancy would like to implement trainings with all enforced policies, especially safety policies. She referred to a Training Manual that is posted at Town Hall. Nancy encourages all employees whom are interested in trainings listed to come see her and sign up for a course.

Bill recommended having trainings conducted on company time. Therefore overtime will not be an issue and employees would attend on company time. Larry agreed that trainings should take place on company time as well.
Larry questioned Email Etiquette Training and felt that Mary Winglass could conduct the training session. Trisha agreed.  Nancy added, The Right to Know course should be mandated for Town Employees. Stating, it is always a great refresher course.
Larry would like to think about the trainings till our next scheduled meeting. He also suggested the Right to Know course should be conducted each year.  Larry and Trisha discussed additional courses to implement:
  • Fire Extinguisher Training
  • Chain Saw
  • Hazardous Material Training
  • CPR
  • Lock Out/ Tag Out Course.
Since the last Lock Out/ Tag Out course was held two years ago, Trisha would like it repeated soon. New Employees have been hired since the last training course was held. Nancy was uncertain if the Director of the Transfer Station is up to date with Lock Out/Tag Out.

Larry discussed a recent incident on Thornell Drive. The EMD had been toned out. He discussed the importance that all emergency personal should be made aware of all emergency incidents.

Trisha read a Memo from Mary Wingless that was addressed to the Safety Committee. The Memo was dated April 24, 2014, regarding 2014 Trainings.  The Safety committee agreed that the CPR/AED Training should be held for the Town Hall, Transfer Station and Library Employees.

Larry began a discussion regarding volunteers and training courses. He stated that volunteers do not need training, only town employees. However he would encourage volunteers to attend a course.  

The Committee then began discussing Newton Recreations and potential town liability.  Larry repeated, if they are volunteers we might not be able to implement such policies.

Another issue Trisha discussed was Back Safety. The Library and Transfer Station should be provided proper chairs for employees. Currently stools are used at the Transfer Station and Gale Library. To ensure proper back safety, employees should not be seated on stools.  Trisha asked Nancy if there was a surplus of chairs at Town Hall that could be donated to other town locations.  Nancy will look into it.

Bill reviewed Protective Equipment Policies. Trisha would like to see a list of Protective/ Safety Equipment Inventory at the Transfer Station.  Trisha would like a memo sent to Tom Difalco requesting a complete list. Trisha asked the board if safety belts for heavy lifting were provided to the Transfer Station. Nancy does believe that the town has previously provided the Transfer Station with safety belts.

With regards to additional trainings, Larry Foote will schedule all life saving trainings.  Trisha recommended sending Mary Winglass a list of trainings we’d like to complete this year for her to schedule.  Mary can schedule the trainings after she has spoken to the board regarding dates and time frames when trainings our available.  Once the Safety Commission approves, trainings may be scheduled.

Bill and Larry reviewed the Training Manual and crossed off all trainings that did not apply to the Newton Employees.

Nancy will review last years training list to see who participated in trainings. Larry thought Tuesdays or Thursdays durning work hours could be a possibility. The Library trainings may have to be done during the evening hours. Generally trainings can take 3-6 hours. Nancy emphazied creating a  policy of recourse for employees who do not attend a scheduled training.

Trisha asked Larry if we hire out for Chain Saw Safety.   Larry replied, “Yes we do.”
Larry asked if we would like to accept the changes to the Workplace Violence Prevention Policy for Selectmen approval.  Larry would like the Policy placed on the Selectmen’s Agenda. Trisha would like all employees to sign off after reviewing the policies.  It is the responsibility of the department head to ensure these policies have been read.

Trisha and Nancy mentioned that all policies could be found on the web.  Trisha would like all department heads to be responsible for their employees’ policies and trainings, Not Nancy.  Larry recommended having all employees initial all policies that they have received and placed on file. Bill would like to provide a copy of the Safety Manual at all Town Buildings. Nancy has been advising all new employees to refer to the Town web page and there they will find a compiled list of policies for review.  

NIMS Training- (National Incident Management Systems)

Trisha and Larry would like a copy of an updated list specifying who has taken 100, 700 and 800 NIMS courses. Larry would like to investigate grant money to possible off set the cost of these courses.

  • Local Plan Update
Nancy had asked the board if the Emergency Protocol Plan had been updated. Bill replied that all five Selectmen have been updated to the Local Plan.

  • Reports from Department Head
Terry updated the board that the Gale Library is up to date with the Workplace Violence Policy and the Fire Extinguisher Training. An Evacuation Policy has been enforced.

  • New Business
Greenie Park- Nancy discussed Recreation Commissions plan to install security cameras at Greenie Park. Now that the park is in the process of being updated hopefully the cameras will eliminate vandalism on the new equipment. Larry questioned if Recreation has been granted approval before installation? He also asked who’s responsible for monitoring these cameras. Nancy believes the cameras are for protection in the event that incidents were to occur at the park. Trisha questioned children being recorded?  Larry asked where the cameras would be stored, and if the cameras will be wireless? If so Greenie Park would need an Internet connection.

Nancy addressed Newton Recreations intent to remove the fencing near the tennis courts and skate park. Larry recommended completing the bathroom project before beginning a new project.

Trisha also added if the Newton Recreation Commission plans to clear trees they too must seek approval from the Conservation Commission. Heath Street is considered a scenic road, with Town and Conservation property. Larry would also recommend that the Recreation Commission speak to the Board of Selectmen to discuss the possibility of creating BMX trails. They must be granted original approval first to discuss liability issues.

  • Other Business
Bill motioned to extend Trisha McCarthy’s position as Safety Commission Chairperson.  Trisha Abstained. Larry Second the Motion. Vote: Unanimous. No Discussion.

Trisha motioned to grant approval for our EMD, Larry Foote to schedule Safety and Emergency Training Classes.  Larry Abstained. Bill Second the motion. All in favor. Discussion: Larry will be paid from the EMD budget.

Trisha motioned to have Mary Winglass, Office Manager to schedule non-emergency and non- safety training sessions, contacting the Safety Commission prior to scheduling training courses.

Discussion: Mary will schedule trainings during business hours. Larry commented with regards to the Gale Library Employees.  Possibly allowing compensation time during training sessions with an allowance of two hours maximum.  

Bill Second the Motion. Vote: Unanimous.  

Action Items:

  • Bill will send a copy of the Violence Prevention Policy to the Board of Selectmen.
  • Bill will review Volunteer Waivers.
  • Trisha will review Life Resources and bring information to our next meeting.
- Trisha will send an email to all department heads requesting a list of employees whom have taken the CPR course. Also ask department heads to record other trainings their employees have completed.

  • Action Item: Update the First Aid Safety list. Monitoring and updating this list is the responsibility of each department Head.
  • Trisha will send a Memo to the Transfer Station requesting an Inventory List of Protective/ Safety Equipment Inventory.  
  • Trisha will send a Memo to all Department Heads requesting a list of Employees who have had NIMS Training.
  • Kimberly Lowther to contact Chief Streeter requesting  the Special Events Policy that the Police Department has on file and forward it to the Safety Commission.
  • Nancy will check to see if we have surplus chairs at Town Hall that could be donated to other town locations.  
Larry would like to have a core committee of members. He asked Kim to become a member of the board. Trisha approved of this decision agreeing that Kim should be a member of the board with voting rights.  Nancy was curious if 10 members were needed on the Committee.  

Safety Commission Members discussed down sizing the committee. The list of members is quite large and attendance is low. It can be very difficult to have a quorum with a large committee. Members discussed eliminating some previous members from the board.  Bob Leverone, William Ingalls, Charlie Melvin, Mike Owens, Chief Streeter, Mary Jo McCullough, Peter Mears, Rick Milner, Ron Lemire and Kevin Jolicoeur no longer need to participate as “Core” members of this committee. However, the Committee will copy informative correspondence IE: Agendas, Minutes Policies etc. to Mike Pivero, Mary Winglass, Mary Jo McCullough, Tom Difalco, Chief Streeter, Chief Ingalls, Ron Lemere, Terry Caswell, Rick Milner and the B.O.S.  

Terry questioned her importance for attending the meetings. Bill said he could always add her to the copy list.  Trisha is representing the Conservation Commission until Kim Lowther returns to the Commission.

Larry asked Terry who still needs CPR training from the library. She believed six people were still in need.  Larry asked if the library had money in their budget for this. Terry replied, yes.

Terry reviewed the First Aid checklist and asked who is responsible for this list? Bill said that it is up to the Department Heads to keep the list up to date.

Terry informed committee members that she would take first aid inventory of the library. Larry told her not to purchase items such as band-aids, since the EMD buys in bulk. Terry questioned keeping a supply of Advil in her kit. Larry did not approve, Advil should not be available to the public.

X.    Accept Minutes of October 3, 2012
Trisha Motioned to Accept the Minutes of October 3, 2012 as presented. Bill Second the Motion. Vote: Unanimous. No Discussion.

XI  Adjourn.

Trisha motioned to adjourn at 6:00pm. Second motion by Bill. All in Favor. No further discussion.

Respectively Submitted,

Kimberly Lowther
Kimberly Lowther
Safety Commission
Newton, New Hampshire