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April 9, 2012 Historical Society Minutes
Minutes of April 9, 2012
Merrimac Savings Bank

Members present:
Bill Landry
Mary Riordan
Karen O’Malley
Marilyn Landry
John Meserve
Courtney Jason
Sally Woodman
Barb DiBartolomeo
Cheryl Saunders
Ron Saunders
Diane Morin

Bill Landry called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM.

Secretary’s Report – Mary Riordan
Sally Woodman made a motion to accept the minutes of December 12, 2011. Cheryl Saunders
seconded the motion.  The motion passed on a unanimous vote.

Treasurer’s Report – Bill Landry
The Checking income was dues, Fall Festival Sponsors, and a transfer from the Money Market account.  Expenses were for the electric bill, Primary School materials, Gift card and NH Historical Society dues.  The Money Market income was from interest.  Expenses were transfer to the Checking Account.    

The Checking income was dues, and Corporate donations.  Expenses were for the electric bill and the April 2012 presentation expense.  The Money Market income was from interest.
Marilyn Landry made a motion to accept both Treasurers’ Reports.  Courtney Jason seconded the motion.  The motion passed on a unanimous vote.

Old Business:
Society write-up in Town Annual Report – Bill Landry reported he submitted a page to the Town and it was included in the Annual Report.

Mission & Purpose Statements – Bill Landry passed out the revised Mission and Purpose statements.  The revised statements are:

Founded: 1971                           Incorporated:  March 26, 1973
General purpose for which this organization was established:

“To bring together those people interested in history; especially in the history of Newton, New Hampshire. In addition, the society will make every effort to arouse public interest by publishing historical information in newspapers and newsletters; by holding meetings and historical presentations etc… and operating the town’s two historical museums.”

"The Newton, NH Historical Society shall collect artifacts, documents and other materials and items proffered to the society and accepted by the Curators. Said items and other information that celebrates Newton's history will be preserved, and exhibited for public viewing. The archiving / cataloging of documents, artifacts and photos will be a prime objective of the society.  The Society shall maintain the Village Primary School Museum and its contents as well as maintain the contents of all buildings on the Marshall House Museum property”.

Cheryl Saunders made a motion to accept the revised Mission and Purpose statements.  Sally Woodman seconded the motion.  The motion passed on a unanimous vote.

New Business:
2011 Gov. forms filed – Bill Landry reported he has filed most of the government forms.  He is still working on the Dept. of Justice Annual Report and indicated he will file it before the next meeting.
Bill Landry reported Kathy Meserve has completed the 2011 financial audit and everything is in order.

Corporate Membership / Donation drive – Bill Landry sent out approximately a dozen letters to Newton businesses.  He received donations from Charlie Melvin, Peter Nicols Excavating and Country Pond Fish and Game.

Reports of Curators & Committee Chairpersons:  

Curator:  Cheryl Saunders suggested several dates for opening the School House and Marshall House.  The buildings will be open twice this year – June 3rd from 1-3PM and Sept 23rd from 1-3PM.
Each building will be staffed by two members in addition to Ron and Cheryl.  They will coordinate the volunteers at the next meeting.

Cheryl reported the pest control company treated the second floor of the Marshall House for cluster flies.  We need to vacuum the section of the house that was treated.

Historian: Courtney Jason reported she received about 50 responses to her school project online survey.  Her project is to design a museum exhibition.  The survey was to find out what people know and what they were interested in to give here direction on the exhibition design.

Archivist: Karen O’Malley reported she and Barb DiBartolomeo have done more work on the items in the cases at the Schoolhouse.  She suggested we attach small tags containing the accession number to the items and asked if she could buy some tags.  Bill Landry reminded her we had voted to allow her to purchase this kind of supply up to $250.  Courtney Jason commented that we should not apply tags with permanent glue or write on the items themselves.  She suggested sewing a small piece of cloth with the information on textile items.  Karen asked how they can get into the large case in the Schoolhouse to accession those items.  Bill told her he and Ron would remove a glass panel for them.

Programs: Sally Woodman spoke about the Old Man in the Mountain program scheduled for April 19th at 7 PM in the Town Hall. Flyers have been posted around town. Sally will send Bill the list of items the presenter needs.  Sally, Marilyn Landry, Barb DiBartolomeo, Cheryl Saunders and Karen O’Malley volunteered to bake for the event.  Bill Landry volunteered to get the beverages.  It will be broadcasted on Channel 20.

Programs: (Cont.)

Sally has scheduled a second event on Wednesday July 18, 2012 on the History of Newton.  Sally has also scheduled an event for 2013 entitled Two Old Friends.  This is a musical story telling performance. All of these events were arranged through the New Hampshire Humanities Council.  
Diane Morin mentioned there is a play in Portsmouth at 2PM on Sunday April 15th, Dreaming Again which is sponsored by the NH Humanities Council.  The information is on their web site.  She noted that we are mentioned in the NHHC newsletter for the events we are having.  If we are thinking of having a third event, we should decide on the topic at the next meeting.  Diane will send out a link to the web site so members can look through the offerings.     


Society Facebook Page – Bill Landry asked is anyone thinks we should have a Facebook page.  The consensus of the members was not to pursue this at this time.

Memorial Day Parade – Bill Landry reported Charlie Melvin offered to put the Hayford Carriage on a trailer and participate in the parade.  There was discussion on whether to do this.  Bill volunteered to make signs with information about the carriage.  John Meserve and Cheryl Saunders were concerned about the security of the carriage.   The consensus was to participate weather permitting.

Christmas lights for the tree -- Diane Morin asked about removing the Christmas lights on the tree.  Ron Saunders stated he had moved the lights to the back of the tree and will completely remove them.  She purchased 2 more strings lights but did not get a star yet.  


Research request from Mark Braggdon – Bill Landry receive a request from Mark Braggdon who lived in Newton in the 60’s.  Mark wrote a book called Halloween in Newton.  He is writing a new book and he asked for information about a salt house on Main Street across from the current Fire House, whether the train was a freight train and when the tracks remove.  Ron responded it was a freight train. Marilyn Landry looked in the 250th Anniversary book and found the tracks were removed in 1972.

Next Meeting:  Monday May 14, 2012 at the Merrimac Savings Bank.

Marilyn Landry made a motion to adjourn.  Cheryl Saunders seconded the motion.  The motion passed on a unanimous vote.  Bill Landry adjourned the meeting at 7:58 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Riordan, Secretary