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April 11, 2011 Historical Society Minutes

Minutes of April 11, 2010
Merrimack Savings Bank

Members present:
Bill Landry
Mary Riordan
John Meserve
Kathy Meserve
Marilyn Landry
Courtney Jason
Sally Woodman
Lisa Fortin
Mary Marshall
Ron Saunders
Cheryl Saunders
Barbara DiBartolomeo
Karen O'Malley

Bill Landry called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM.

Secretary’s Report – Mary Riordan
Cheryl Saunders made a motion to accept the minutes of December 13, 2010.  Marilyn Landry seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report – Bill Landry

Mary Marshall made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report.   Sally Woodman seconded the motion.  The motion passed on a unanimous vote.

Old Business:

Primary Schoolhouse Renovation Update

  • Renovation Status & Plan – Bill Landry reported he and Ron Saunders reassembled the display case.  He passed around a photo of the Primary Schoolhouse interior with the display case in place.  The electrical work has been completed except for the light on the porch.  Rob Hayes hopes to be done this month.
  • Curators’ Staging Plan – Ron Saunders indicated he will need volunteers to help get the displays set up.  He estimates this will happen in May.  He suggested that one section will be dedicated to the Grange as it was a large part of Newton’s history.  Ron spoke to Jim Doggett about getting some things about the Grange.  Cheryl Saunders suggested a section be dedicated to the shoe industry in Newton.  Many people in Newton had cobbler shops.  Mary Marshall suggested baseball memorabilia be displayed.  Ron asked about the clothing at the Marshall house.  Cheryl said most of the clothing is not in good shape.  Courtney knows someone into textile conservation.  Bill Landry mentioned the Grange curtain.  There was discussion on where and how we would store and display it.
Granite State Poker – Bill Landry recapped where we are on this.  He will continue to pursue this.
Scanning Project – Karen O’Malley and Mary Marshall will be working on accessioning on Thursdays.  She thinks they may be done with another room by the time the Schoolhouse is ready.  She wants to accession the items before they are moved to the Schoolhouse.    Karen stated she has a second loose leaf binder with accession forms that we haven’t taken pictures of yet.  They may be the items that were in the schoolhouse and moved to the Marshall House or barn before the renovations.

Reports of Curator & Committee Chairpersons

  • Curators (Ron / Cheryl Saunders) – Ron and Cheryl will be working on the displays in the Schoolhouse.
  • Historian (Courtney Jason) – Courtney will be looking at the items at the Marshall House to become familiar with what we have.  Bill Landry gave her a key to the Marshall House.  Bill noted that the lock to the Primary Schoolhouse will be changed shortly.   Mary Marshall suggested all the keys be changed and re-issued.  Courtney volunteered to help getting items for display in the Schoolhouse.
  • Archivist (Lisa Fortin) – Lisa needs to talk with Irene Nally about what Irene has done thus far.
  • Programs (Sally Woodman) – Sally has been watching the local paper for Antique Appraisals in this area.  She has seen two fairly local people doing this, Fremont and Stratham.  People pay a fee to have their item appraised.  The appraiser shared the proceeds with the sponsoring organization.  She asked if we wanted to do one and where would we hold the event.  Lisa Fortin suggested checking into Elwood Antiques on Rte. 110 in Haverhill. They had done one of these things for the Library many years ago.  Sally has also been watching for Underground Railroad information.  Bill mentioned there was a woman from the Hampstead Library doing something on this.  Lisa Fortin said the Memorial School does a night on this topic in May.  She will call the school to see if they are still doing this.  Mary Marshall suggested Ron may be able to get stories from Will Avery one-on-one.

New Business:

2010 government Filings – Bill Landry reported he has filed all the required government forms.

2011 Corporate Membership / Donation Drive –  Bill Landry reported he sent out about 17 Corporate Membership letters.  Nichols Farm and Estabrook’s Garage renewed their  Memberships.  Cheryl Saunders asked if Bill had sent one to S&R Constructions.  He will check on it.

Arcadia Publishing Project –  Bill Landry reported the Executive Committee met and decided we would not do this project at this time.  Bill has informed Arcadia of our decision.


Myrtle Rogers – Bill Landry said Myrtle told him she would be at our April meeting because she had something for the Society.  Bill asked if someone would contact Rebecca to see if she knew what Myrtle meant.  Barbara DiBartolomeo said she would talk to Rebecca.

Disposition of S. Closs Civil War book – Lisa Fortin accepted the book on behalf of  the Gale Library.  She indicated it would be placed in the New Hampshire section.  Bill Landry will send an email to his Newton resident contacts informing them the book is at the Library.  John Meserve suggested putting a book plate on the book stating “Donated by the Newton Historical Society 4/12/2011”.  Lisa Fortin said she would take care of it.

Leaf raking “party”--  Bill Landry asked for volunteers to rake the leaves at the Primary Schoolhouse on May 7, 2011 at 9 AM.

Howard Faulkner Map of Country Pond – Bill Landry received a map of Country Pond that was made by Howard Faulkner and his brothers when they were teenagers in 1950.  Mr. Faulkner also made a $25 donation to the Society.  Mary Marshall suggested the Curator’s should receive these items to determine if we want to accept the item.  Curator Ron Saunders took possession of the map.  Karen O’Malley suggested Mr. Faulkner’s letter be kept with the map until it is accessioned.  Cheryl Saunders suggested it be framed, including the letter, for display in the museum.  

Petty Cash Account - Mary Marshall made a motion to set up a petty cash account with $250 for reimbursement of incidental items.  Bill Landry seconded the motion.  The motion passed on a unanimous vote.  Receipts should be submitted to Bill Landry, Treasurer for reimbursement.

Postcard -- Ron Saunders said a friend of his had picked up a postcard of a building at the corner of Highland and Rte. 108 that was described as a Hospital and Sanitarium and was wondering if anyone had any information on this.  There was discussion on whether it was the Peterson house or the lot on the other corner that used to be a hotel.


Kami Cook Barrera Research Request -- Bill Landry received an email stating her aunt, Mae E. Adams, had donated a dress to the Society.  She asked if her aunt had donated any other items.  Mary Marshall doesn’t remember a donated dress.  Cheryl Saunders said there are no names on the dresses in the Marshall House.  Mary Marshall stated Mae Adams had sent her some photographs and asked if anyone could identify the people in them.  Mary Marshall asked around at the time, but no one knew any people in the photos so she sent them back to Mae.

Lisa Fortin made a motion to adjourn.  Kathy Meserve seconded the motion.  The motion passed on a unanimous vote.  Bill Landry adjourned the meeting at 8.14 PM.

Next meeting is Monday May 9, 2011, 7:00 PM at the Merrimack Savings Bank.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Riordan, Secretary