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October 14, 2008 Historical Society Agenda

TUESDAY OCTOBER 14, 2008 – 7:00 PM

1 – Meeting called to order:        (Meeting held at Merrimac Savings Bank)

2 – Secretary’s Report:             (Mary R.)

3 – Treasurer’s Report:             (Bill L.)

4 – Old Business:

]       Update on transfer of Hayford Carriage to NHS   (Nancy W)

]       Update on repair of floor in Primary School     (Bill L.)

]       Update on insect problem at Marshall House      (Cheryl S)

]       Update on October 18th Wine & Cheese Social     (Kathy M)

5- New Business:

]       Funds transfer Checking to Money Market Acct.

]       Table at Memorial School on election day Tues. 11/4

]       Fund Drive targeting local businesses

6 – Correspondence:  
]       Assoc. of Historical Societies of NH Annual Meeting

7 – Other:

]       Visit by Hayford descendents (GGD Joanne Paulus & Nancy Fink)

]       Turned off dehumidifier in Primary Schoolhouse

8-      Next meeting Mon. Nov. 10 – 7:00 PM @ Merrimac Savings Bank

9 – Meeting Adjourned: