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November 2, 2015 Fire Station Building Committee Minutes
November 2, 2015

In attendance, in alphabetical order:  Joe Lingel, Trisha McCarthy, Chairman Dennis Moran, Vice Chair-man Mike Pivero, Jim Ryan, and Jim White.   Fire Chief John Alcaidinho and Selectmen's Representa-tive Lisa Gonyer, were excused; Jim Holland was absent. Secretary Barbara White transcribed the minutes.  

Chairman Moran called the meeting to order at 7:40 pm.

Acceptance of Minutes.  Mr. White MOVED to approve the October 19 minutes; Mr. Pivero seconded.  unanimous approval.

Discussion of Presentation to the Selectmen.  Mr. Pivero reported he had met with the Selectmen on October 20 to give them the summary of the engineer's report for retrofitting the existing metal building at the 8 Merrimac Road site.  This report stated the existing building would need extensive / expensive renovation to bring it up to the level it would need to meet for retrofitting as a fire station.

Mr. Pivero explained to the Selectmen in light of this report, the Committee was now heading in a different direction and recommended building a new Fire Station rather than putting money into the existing Central Station.  He indicated the budget for a new station would be between $1.4-$1.5 million.

The Selectmen agreed a new station was the direction in which to head and charged Mr. Pivero with acquiring quotes needed for conceptual and elevation drawings for presentation to the public.  Those quotes will be reviewed by the FSBC and the Committee will submit a recommendation to the Selectmen on November 9th.

Next Steps (Based on Selectmen's Decision)

Mr. Pivero had received three of the four quotes for review tonight.  The Committee reviewed the pros and cons of the three proposals before them and of the three, chose the one submitted from Port One Architects.  Mr. Pivero was of the opinion the committee should wait for the fourth proposal before making a firm decision for recommendation.  This fourth quote will need to be received by Thursday, November 5 at 4:00 pm to be considered.  

As the Committee cannot make a decision outside of a public meeting, it was determined an extra meeting was necessary to review the 4th proposal and determine which one to recommend to the Selectmen.  Friday, November 6 at 7:00 pm was chosen.  Mrs. White will make sure the room is reserved and post the necessary notices.

In the event the fourth proposal is unable to meet the deadline for consideration, the Committee made a MOTION.

        Mr. Moran MOVED if the fourth quote was not submitted in time to be eligible for consideration,         Port One Architects be recommended to the Selectmen as the Committee's choice; seconded by Mr.  White; unanimous decision.

Mr. Pivero will notify Mrs. White if this proposal is submitted in time for consideration and if so, the Committee will meet on Nov. 6.  If it is not received in time, Mrs. White will contact the members of the Committee and let them know the Nov. 6 meeting is unnecessary.  If that is the case, the next meeting date will be on November 12.  



The Committee charged Mrs. White to inquire of the Building Inspector if a new Fire Station Building would need to be sprinkled.  She will find out and report back to the Committee.


Mrs. McCarthy will find out more specifics regarding what would be necessary to include to be eligible for grants.  


Mr. White MOVED to adjourn at 8:40 pm; Mr. Moran seconded; unanimous.  

Next meeting is November 6th at  7:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara White

Barbara White, Secretary
Fire Station Building Committee