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April 20, 2015 Fire Station Building Committee Minutes
April 20, 2015

In attendance, in alphabetical order:  Joe Lingel, Trisha McCarthy, Vice Chairman Dennis Moran, Mike Pivero, Jim Ryan and Jim White.  John Alcaidinho, Jim Holland and Chairman Dale Putnam were excused. Secretary Barbara White transcribed the minutes.  

Call Meeting to Order

Mr. Moran called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm.

Acceptance of Minutes

Mr. Moran asked for a MOTION to approve the minutes.

        Mr. Ryan MOVED to accept the March 16  minutes as submitted;  Mr. Lingel seconded.  
        The vote was unanimous.

Review of Scanned Plans/Discussion of items to include in the new building

The group looked at the scanned plans that had been done for the original safety complex.  Ultimately
the decision was to wait with the discussion of what needed to be included in the building until the next meeting when the Fire Chief would be in attendance and could give guidance on what would be required.  He had indicated some familiarity with the process of requesting a new facility, and also for submitting grants at his previous position.

Mr. Ryan had obtained the plans from the Atkinson Fire Station for the group to review.  In their prelim-inary examination, the members agreed it looked as though that station had everything they might want to include in theirs.  

The group had much discussion on the original safety complex presentation to the Town and the fact it had not been approved.  They ascertained it was a combination of not already owning a piece of land on which to place the complex, and the impact it was going to have on the tax rate.

They discussed when the Town sold the old Police Station they had gone to the voters to ask what they wanted the Town to do with those funds. The answer to that question was to use it to help defray the cost of the building/property where the new station was located.  

There was some discussion regarding available grants and if the Town had anyone qualified to help with writing an application for a grant.  It was mentioned that the Town Administrator might be able to help in that area, and the group asked if Mrs. White would find out and report back at the next meeting.
Mr. Pivero stated the Town had applied for grants in the past, and was not sure if there was any available for only a fire station and not a "safety complex".  

Mr. Ryan noted it could be difficult to sell a new station to the residents in light of the current tax rate. Even though the Town's portion had gone down, the schools'  had gone up.  Also the state was cutting back on funding to the towns.  

Mr. Ryan had in his packet from Atkinson, an example of a survey used to collect information from the residents on their views regarding constructing a new library.  Newton could use that as a model by which to craft their own survey questions for the Fire Station .  There was also a sample information package concerning their proposal for a new fire station.  Mrs. McCarthy made copies for the group and Mrs. White will mail the absent members their copies.


Getting the Information out to the Residents
The committee had much discussion on ways the disseminate information of the present conditions and the need for a new fire station to the residents.  Mr. Ryan stated they participate in the Family Fun Day at the school, but have not participated in the one at Greenie Park for some time.  Mr. Pivero mentioned it would be good to get information out to the residents on Social Media; Mrs. White noted there was a Town policy for Social Media and would get a copy for the committee.

They also discussed ways in which to make the Fire Department more visible to the residents.  A raffle was discussed and Mr. White will check with Home Depot to see what the procedure is to have them donate items.

Yearly Schedule of Meetings
Mrs. White distributed a list of dates for the meetings for 2015; she will also continue to sent out email reminders to the committee members.

Next Month's Agenda

  • Bond fund information  - Mr. Moran
  • Grant information - Mrs. White
  • Report of raffle information / Home Depot - Mr. White
  • Discussion on Social Media
  • Review plans/decide on size of bldg needed and what to include
  • Determine anticipated cost of new station/ascertain what tax impact would be
  • How to disseminate information to residents

The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 pm.  Next meeting is May 18.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara White

Barbara White
Fire Station Building Committee