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December 4, 2014 Conservation Commission Minutes

DATE: THURSDAY, December 4, 2014
TIME: 7:30  

Rear of Building

Commission Members:
Peter Mears, Nancy Slombo, Sandy Estabrooks, Jaclyn Heffner, Pat Wonson,
Trisha McCarthy and Selectman Liaison Larry Foote

Call to Order, Roll Call Vote

Present:  Chairman Peter Mears, Sandy Estabrook, Nancy Slombo and Trisha McCarthy
Open meeting at 7:45pm

Discussed results of the December 2, 2014 selectmen’s meeting.  Selectmen approved the conservation budget at $3750.00.    Selectmen questioned our meeting schedule and attendance and the fact we are not spending money.   Chairmen Mears reminded them that “civic duty does not necessarily mean that you have to spend money”.  It has more to do with volunteerism.  Just because we are not spending money, doesn’t mean we are not activity protecting our natural resources.

Mr. Marden provided us a certificate of insurance.  A copy will be send to the selectmen’s office.  Conservation Commission is requesting the Board of Selectmen give a letter to Mr. Marden allowing him to work on the property.  The Conservation Commission will write letter giving Mr. Marden.  Per con com and board of selectmen Mr. Marden has the right to pass and re-pass the parcel next to the Quaker Cemetery for the purpose of accessing the Old Woods road to access the Foy property for the purpose of hauling out cord wood from now till March 2015.  He has the right cut up to ten trees on the Conservation Property for access into the Foy property.  If he has to take down part of the stone wall, he must replace it when done in the spring of 2015.  

Mr. Marden also provided the commission with an invoice # 56 to do flail mowing on the Busch Farm Property.  This mowing can only be done at certain times of the year due to topography.  It must be hard soil, and not too much snow and the least disturbance in the wet lands and foliage which is in the colder weather.  
Peter made motion to encumber $1550.00 to mow the Busch Farm (BootHill Land Services)
Nancy second and all in favor.  Motion passes

Peter made motion to accept minutes as written,  Sandy second.  All in favor

Sandy made motion to pay secretary, Peter second all in favor

Adjourn at 8:15  Peter made motion and Nancy second… all in favor.