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May 2, 2013 Conservation Commission Minutes
Town of Newton
Conservation Commission

Committee Members:
Peter Mears, Chairperson        Nancy Slombo, Vice Chairperson
Kim Lowther, Secretary  Trisha McCarthy 
Sheila Bergeron         Sandra Estabrook                Jaclyn Heffner
Pat Wonson                      Mary Anne Lapierre                      

Minutes for May 2, 2013
Nancy, Peter, Pat, Sandra,  
Guest: Annie Collyer Recreation Commission, Steve Suraci joined at 7:52  

        Meeting called to order at 7:35pm.
        Sandra recorded the minutes.

Old Business:  
  • Wilder’s Grove per complaint. Peter has checked the address and gave report to Planning Board.
  • South Main Street complaint filling wet lands. Peter spoke to Mr. Bateman. Gave report to Selectman and Planning Board.
  • New Hampshire DES Land Resource Management Program: After-The-Fact Permit, 87-95 South Main Street, Tax Map 13 Block 2 Lot 15,16,17-9. Complaint File No. 2002-00501.
  • Notice of Intent to Excavate: Tax Map 14 Block 1 Lot 24. Gravel 1000(cy) and Loam 500 (cy).
  • State of New Hampshire: Check for monitoring at Hidden Acres Farm. Peter made a motion that the check for $800.00 be deposited into the Stewardship Committee account  for monitoring activities at Hidden Acres Farm. Pat second. Rick Milner was given the check to deposit.
New Business:
  • Annie Collyer from Recreation Commission came to speak to us about the possibility of cleaning up some of the trails in town. Ocasio Martial Arts has shown interest of having some of their students help out as part of a community service project. Peter said that because of liability issues she would have to speak with the Selectman about what would need to be done to have the youngsters help. Sandra stated that it would be good to have the Recreation Commission represented in the process of trail clean up and development. As chairperson of the Trails Committee she stated that there have been no meetings in the last year. Peter made a motion that a letter be sent to the Selectman in support of the Recreation Commission helping with trails. Nancy second.  Sandra will send a letter.
  • Steve Suraci, 2 Wallace Street Requested that we do a site walk of his property. He is concerned that land being filled in down the street from his property will have a negative effect on his land. He believes that a culvert has been added, moved or repaired. Site walk will be Monday May 6, 2013 at 5:30pm. He has notified Code Enforcement.

Next meeting Thursday May 16, at 7:30pm.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:35 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sandra Estabrook,